分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
ilovechina 標籤:love作文 iloveyou作文 loveyou作文 loves作文
I love China
In China, there will be a happy event, which is the Olympics, he began the time is at 8:00 on August 8.
The time off really Kuaiya a twinkling of an eye on approaching, and we must cherish the present time, for the Olympic Games to do a good boy.
Because the Olympic Games in which a civilization, we must act now to do an outstanding young pioneers.
Only in this way the Olympics will be more exciting!
Therefore, we have to do to this:
To love the motherland proud, ashamed to harm the motherland,
Proud to serve the people, ashamed to deviate from the people,
To respect science proud, ashamed to ignorance,
Proud to have worked hard to Haoyielao ashamed,
To unity and mutual assistance proud, ashamed to profiting at others” expense,
To honesty and trustworthiness proud, ashamed to anything,
Proud to abide by the law to violate the law and discipline ashamed,
Proud to work hard to extravagance and dissipation ashamed.
ilovechina 作文推薦:

- ·新年,love,love,lov1200字
- ·lovecanchangeour300字
- ·lovepianolovemot300字
- ·ifthisislove,the300字
- ·lovelove100字
- ·是loveless還是belov1600字
- ·ilovechina300字
- ·speech----ilovee900字
- ·ilovethecherries400字
- ·covered with a200字
- ·moved by love350字
- ·ilovemyfatherver100字
- ·ilovemyfamilyver100字
- ·eveydayeveynight700字
- ·初二英語作文:ilovecomp300字
- ·becauseloveyou200字
- ·lovecat1000字
- ·lovecat400字
- ·lovecat1200字
- ·picecoflove200字
- ·whenlovebeckonsy500字
- ·overly protected300字
- ·abelongtothelove100字
- ·lovestheflower(戀1200字
- ·[遠燈行系列]lovefullo1100字
- ·girl`slovelogic400字
- ·ilovemyalarmcloc200字
- ·long-distance lo400字
- ·i love flowers250字
- ·ilovemyschool700字
- ·holidayinchina300字
- ·我愛美麗的秋天300字
- ·佔道放炮不道德700字
- ·放炮竹800字
- ·放炮仗500字
- ·放炮仗600字
- ·放炮樂600字
- ·放炮記600字
- ·放炮的樂趣700字
- ·放炮700字
- ·放炮600字
- ·特種兵的磨鍊(訓練真苦)800字
- ·特種兵的磨鍊(熟悉大家)800字
- ·寒梅獨處800字
- ·寒梅100字
- ·校園裡的梧桐樹作文 就是這樣作文
- ·我愛春節作文 一次掃墓活動作文
- ·蘇幕遮作文 流氓作文
- ·親近的人作文 星空下作文
- ·令我難忘的一幕作文 夢想起航作文
- ·難忘的班隊會作文
- ·我是魚作文
- ·心繫奧運作文
- ·吹雞毛比賽作文
- ·一隻可愛的小狗作文
- ·認真作文
- ·再見了,親人作文600字 小貓刷牙作文
- ·您辛苦了作文150字 我就是作文800字
- ·不值作文300字 捕鼠記作文700字
- ·重量作文300字 寫給爸爸作文
- ·草莓作文500字 走吧作文100字
- ·田園風光作文700字