分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
cgristmasholiday 標籤:christmas作文 shopping作文 holiday作文 school作文
Christmas holiday
Do you know when is Christmas?It”s December twenty-fifth.What do you know about Christmas?I can tell you something about Christmas.
Christmas is a western holiday .On holiday ,people don”t work,children don”t go to school .Christmas is special.Why?Because we have Christmas trees,lights and Santa .
Santa is a merry man in red clothes.Children say he bring gifts on Christmas.
We invite our family and friends to our house,they bring gifts for us.We give our family and friends gifts ,too.
We sing special songs at Christmas.Christmas songs are carols.
We have fun together!
Now do you know what Christmas is?I think you know now.
I like Christmas !And you?
( 指導老師;康淑嫻)
cgristmasholiday 作文推薦:

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