機遇和成功-opportunity and s_200字
分類:三年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
機遇和成功-opportunity and s 標籤:聖誕party作文 生日party作文 shopping作文 機遇作文
Opportunity and Success
Opportunity is one of the elements of success. But opportunities don”t come often. And not all the opportunities can certainly lead to success. Moreover, opportunities are usually disguised as hard work; therefore most people don”t recognize them. So if you want to achieve something, you must make efforts and get prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to you. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who have made enough preparations and are highly talented can make use of them to achieve their purpose.
機遇和成功-opportunity and s 作文推薦:

機遇和成功-opportunity and s 暫無評論
- ·機遇和成功-opportunit200字
- ·opportunityandsu300字
- ·初二英語作文:opportuni200字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·what will happen300字
- ·bookreportondavi500字
- ·a happy birthday150字
- ·supposegroundles200字
- ·modesty is a kin200字
- ·not shooting for250字
- ·論機遇和運氣500字
- ·抓住機遇和錯過600字
- ·whyyoudon`tunder1000字
- ·sundayfunday(英語作100字
- ·the most popular100字
- ·commentary:popol1300字
- ·going shopping i250字
- ·初一英語作文:punctuali100字
- ·stopppllutingthe300字
- ·isbeautymostimpo500字
- ·myportraiture100字
- ·thesecerttunnel(1100字
- ·piling up fortun350字
- ·my birthday part250字
- ·mybirthdayparty200字
- ·mybirthdayparty100字
- ·mybirthdayparty200字
- ·thebirthdayparty100字
- ·渴望的birthday part600字
- ·六年級作文:my birthda200字
- ·我叫鬧鐘起床350字
- ·起床以後300字
- ·起床記150字
- ·起床200字
- ·神聖的生命1200字
- ·淘寶會300字
- ·淘寶的快樂500字
- ·操場上的笑聲500字
- ·我們的“長征”500字
- ·長征的啟示300字
- ·參觀賀誠紀念館有感——紀念紅軍長1200字
- ·意外驚喜300字
- ·意外不斷的我300字
- ·意外“經歷”800字
- ·意外300字
- ·華山作文 思秋作文
- ·我的聖誕節作文 詩情作文
- ·刮鬍子作文 三角形作文
- ·寧夏作文 我忘不了那件事作文
- ·忘記過去作文 給母校的一封信作文
- ·荷花作文
- ·一顆糖作文
- ·省略作文
- ·香菇作文
- ·家鄉的臍橙作文
- ·安康作文
- ·喜慶作文 東湖作文700字
- ·我的父親作文350字 茉莉花作文200字
- ·我的名片作文 走遍天下電腦為侶作文
- ·給媽媽作文100字 兒女作文300字
- ·我終於看見了大海作文400字 秋天的校園作文200字
- ·記憶中的畫面作文600字