分類:四年級作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
I went out from the school. It’s snowy. I went back home. I had readied the << The king of y mind. I asked my self: are you the young king? No, I’m not. Olden time, father education to me was shown up. A gust of wind is blowing. A piece of snow is drops it in to my collar. Let
me remember the story of the winter. I was eight. Our school goes to visit the Shi JIA ZHANG mausoleum. My grandmother afraid to froze me. She asked my father sent a car to take me. My father didn’t agree. I dissatisfied cry and run away. When we visit ended. Under the snow up there were numerous. I saw a lot of parents take there children. I hate my father is a grim. Teacher lids the students of the rest. I walk against the wind and cloudy hardly. Suddenly, my father free special car drives by my side. So I shouted: father ……… the car stopped. Father bends down and looked at my face. He pats the snow from my body, pulled my clothes. I thought my father must be promise me. The students came up. My father came up too. Smile said. Miss Zhang. Your whole students are not afraid cold, really strong. My teacher looks at me. My teacher said: they all like to learn from brave martyr. Right? My father asked me. I agree nod. Director of the bureau. You must let.....................
The driver’s conversation is not over yet my father said quickly. Let he walk back home. Because he is not scared cold is a brave boy. Suddenly, my face turned red. My father’s words make me feel guilty. I said embarrassingly. Father, you go away.
Three years were gone. Now I thought my father was right. My father makes me know a lot...
冬天那些事 作文推薦:

- ·冬天那些事500字
- ·那些人,那些事,那些詩,那些歌800字
- ·那些年,那些人,那些事900字
- ·那些年,那些人,那些事450字
- ·直到想退出這場生命才明白那些年,800字
- ·我曾經走過的那些地方,邂逅的那些1300字
- ·那些年那些人那些事300字
- ·那些年·那些事·那些青春的回憶800字
- ·那些年,那些事,那些人1300字
- ·那些人,那些事,那些青春300字
- ·天台那些人那些事400字
- ·那些年,那些事450字
- ·那些年,那些事600字
- ·那些年,那些事350字
- ·那些年,那些事!500字
- ·軍訓的那些事和那些感悟1600字
- ·[卡威曳系列]那些人那些事2500字
- ·那些人那些事300字
- ·那些人那些事1100字
- ·那些人那些事500字
- ·那些人那些事900字
- ·逝去的,那些事,那些人。800字
- ·那些人,那些事兒900字
- ·[隨筆]那些人和那些事1400字
- ·《那些人,那些事》第一章1100字
- ·08,那些人,那些事。2000字
- ·關於那些人,那些事700字
- ·回憶、那些人,那些事500字
- ·那些年的那些事400字
- ·那些年那些事1000字
- ·地震中的那些人500字
- ·我把秋天留住900字
- ·秋天,我想留住你350字
- ·留住那份美好700字
- ·留住回憶300字
- ·游“海棠香國”公園300字
- ·艷麗的海棠300字
- ·秋海棠200字
- ·海棠贊700字
- ·海棠200字
- ·長壽海棠300字
- ·一生一世一雙人350字
- ·昨日600字
- ·致千與千尋的一封信600字
- ·夜晚的小鎮400字
- ·自然給我的啟示作文 紹興作文
- ·雕像作文 無悔青春作文
- ·信念的力量作文 入隊儀式作文
- ·爸爸的花作文 難忘的聖誕作文
- ·就這樣慢慢長大作文 我依然作文
- ·寒假日記作文
- ·心中的她作文
- ·今秋作文
- ·做個好公民作文
- ·我的讀書生活作文
- ·感恩節作文300字
- ·發怒作文 景象作文400字
- ·訴說作文600字 鑰匙作文500字
- ·表姐作文500字 農夫作文400字
- ·念母親作文500字 泉水作文600字
- ·thank作文 美麗的池塘作文400字
- ·學習雷鋒作文1000字