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hometown changes_350字

分類:五年級作文  字數:350字  編輯:pp958

  Time can always make the world unrecognizable.My hometown has also changed, and become very different from before.My hometown has changed from a small village to a bustling town.The vehicle has also been transformed into a small car from the previous tricycle.Almost every household here has built a building.It is no longer the same small tile house as before.

  Although people's living conditions have improved, the environment has become much worse than before.In the spring, I couldn't hear the birds calling, and I couldn't find the traces of my mother in the fields. It was because the environment was polluted.Industrial wastewater transforms the previously clear stream into a stinking ditch.And the domestic garbage is also piled up in a small hill.

  My beautiful hometown, where are you?I want green, I want a clear stream, I want a beautiful hometown, ask people to take good care of the environment, let these beautiful things come back.

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