手機:M版 分類:公眾演講 編輯:小景
蘇耀安(中文) 周婉仍(英文)
Dear teachers and schoolmates, good morning!
The topic of my speech today is "Self-Confidence as the Wings of Healthy Growth." First of all, I want to tell you a story. A shepherd took his two sons to the field, a group of geese were flying in the sky, and the first boy said, "It would be great if I could fly." So the shepherd took his sons to the hills. The dad said, "You will be able to fly, as long you really want it." The children dreamt of flying in the sky for many years. They were confident that if they followed their dreams they would finally succeed. These boys were the Wright Brothers of the United States. One day, in December 1903, still with the dream of flying, they spread the wings of confidence and created the world”s first plane to ever fly in the sky. They realized the dream of every human that had ever lived: to fly!
This is the power of confidence. We need to be confident to growup healthy. We need to be confident in our studies as well as in daily life. So, what is self-confidence
Self-confidence is the first step to success!
Confidence in yourself is to speak in class enthusiastically. We needn’t be nervous, we don”t have to be afraid. We should be brave in expressing our views, even if they”re not perfect. No one will laugh at you. Even if you don”t express yourself clearly, the classmates will cheer for you. Never be afraid to make mistakes, it is only through making mistakes that we can learn and grow as people.
Confidence in yourself does NOT mean to never fail. It means to start again and continue trying even after your failure. Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb. Before he succeeded, he tested more than 1000 kinds of filaments and failed every time. He was not discouraged. When someone laughed at him, he said proudly, "I have found more than 1000 kinds of material are not suitable for filament." How courageous and confident! As the great South African leader Nelson Mandela said, "Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up."
Dear schoolmates, do you have a pair of confident wings If not, please accept my advice, wear a pair of confident wings for yourself.
First of all, we have to know our strengths and advantages as well as our weaknesses. No one is perfect, but everyone has their good aspects. Be proud of your special hobbies and advantages and often remind yourself that: "In fact, I am great!"
Second, set a goal and get ready. Encourage yourself often. Show your good side, let others recognize it and your confidence will improve slowly. Develop new hobbies, make some good friends, and allow yourself to become confident.
Our parents and our early successes have laid the foundation for our confidence. The school, our classmates and the teachers help us to grow that confidence. Dear schoolmates, I say to you, let us wear the wings of the "confidence," let self-confident hearts fill the whole campus, let confident hands lift each other up and improve our self-confidence!
That’s all, thank you for this opportunity to speak.
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