手機:M版 分類:祝福語 編輯:得得9
英文生日祝福 標籤:英文簡歷
1、wish myself a happy birthday!我祝自己生日快樂!
2、lease let me hug you and say "Happy Birthday to you" now、請讓我抱着你祝你生日快樂。
3、appy birthday to me and those people who share the same birthday with me、祝自己生日快樂吧,同時也祝福跟我同一天過生日的人。
4、ay this day that”s all your own hold happiness for you、 And may the yearsahead be filled wish all the best things, too、 Happy Birthday!願這完全屬於你的一天帶給你幸福。願未來的歲月錦上添花。祝你生日快樂!
5、et you down, I”m sorry, I wish you a happy birthday, youth, I myself to bear, Ihope you don”t forget me、讓你失望了,對不起了,祝你青春永駐,生日快樂,我自己來承受,希望你不要忘記我。
6、h, really Happy birthday to you then、哦,真的?那祝你生日快樂。
7、Happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and remindsme a lot of myself、祝和我一樣聰明漂亮又幽默的傢伙生日快樂,你總讓我想到自己的這些特質。
8、appy birthday, Dear Miranda、 Happy birthday to you、親愛的Miranda,祝你生日快樂!
9、With best wishes for a happy birthday、 最好的願望祝你生日快樂。
10、BEST wish for you birthday may you lifelong prosperously、祝你生日快樂,終身幸福。
11、Happy birthday to you, " she sang, swaying to her own chorus、"祝你生日快樂,"她一邊唱歌,搖來搖去她自己的合唱。
12、he best happy birthday wishes for you with my biggest hug! !真摯的祝福,祝你生日快樂!
13、he put the cupcakes and gift on his desk and said, Happy birthday, John、她將蛋糕和禮物放在他的書桌上,說:約翰,祝你生日快樂!
14、oday is my birthday , happy birthday to myself 、 、今天是我的生日,祝自己生日快樂…
15、wish their birthday, every day, happy, happy life!祝自己生日快樂,天天開心,幸福一輩子!
16、ucy: Yes, I”d love to、 Thank you for asking me、 Happy birthday to you! 是的,非常願意。謝謝你邀請我。祝你生日快樂!
17、sh yourself a happy birthday today、今天,祝自己生日快樂。
18、hope your birthday is especially happy; you deserve the best、祝你生日快樂,你是最棒的!

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