makeing egg tart_600字
分類:初二作文 字數:600字 編輯:小景
makeing egg tart 標籤:聖誕party作文 birthday作文 生日party作文 ilike作文
Because recently my family has been clamoring to eat Egg Tart. So i decided to travel back after buying back their own Egg Tart materials. But , do Egg Tart really trouble. Many of the materials used to Egg Tart liquid. The most diffcult to do, most of the materials ,process is the most Egg Tart skin. I suddenly feel do Egg Tart is a really very difficult thing. I am going to give up. But my friends told me that i can go to buy half of the dinished product to do. What is a semi finished product ? It is ready for Egg Tart skin. The liquid has been transferred Egg Tart. Such a Egg Tart can start to buy back the delicious. You do not have to worry about the problem of the material and the price of food. 54 Egg Tart skin just 16 yuan. Egg Tart liquor is only 11 yuan. I think it is worth it. Not only save time. And save money for me. Shooting two birds with on stone. Why not?
makeing egg tart 作文推薦:
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