分類:初三作文 字數:900字 編輯:pp958
happiness 標籤:happiness作文 honest作文 kiss作文 happy作文
What is happiness? Happiness brings different meaning to different people. For example, an ice-cream can bring a five-year-old child happiness. A couple's happiness would be quite complete if they are given a child. We can't use money to buy happiness, but everyone deserves it. I formed happiness with a special friend, and I believe she is the one who can be my true friend forever. She is my friend since last year and her name is Sara.
Since April, both of us had become school prefects. At the same time, we got to know a girl, Jessie who was also a newbie school prefect. She's a person who brings laughter. Although she wasn't very smart, but she works hard so that she could enter the first class next year. She always get my help in Mathematics subject and I will try my best to teach her. Jessie and I will stay back in the school library in every Thursday because we want to do our revision and prepare for our PT3 exam.
Then something bad happened after the holidays in June, the time when I became newbie Exco (a school prefect which has a more higher rank). Jessie started to ignore me. If I went near her, she would stay far away from me. Many of my friends said that she was jealous of me because I had became a newbie Exco. I was sad because I couldn't believe she was ignoring me just because I had became a newbie Exco. I even asked her whether she would be friends with me or not if I resigned my position. She just walked away without looking at me. My tears dropped because of her ruthless. Sara came to my side and comforted me. "Everything will be okay. Don't resign your position because you deserve it." This was what Sara told me.
But, I have heard something different from Sara last month. Sara told me that Jessie ignored me her friend has told her something about me and Jessie believed what her friend had told her. I was disappointed with her and I cried on the spot. I never knew that the friendship between Jessie and I was so weak until the others could attack it easily. For some reasons, Jessie didn't tell Sara the whole story.
Since that day, I looked sad and gloomy. Everybody was worried about me but they didn't know how to cheer me up. Only Sara would come and concerned about my condition whenever she saw me. She said that she was ready to help me if I had a problem. Now, I feel more better. Even though I met Jessie during school days, I won't feel sad anymore. If I didn't go through this incident, I won't know Jessie's true colours and how good Sara is.
Sara's kindness and sincere brings me happiness. If it wasn't her, maybe I would still in a bad mood now. It is not an easy job to meet a true friend, a friend who really understands you and brings you happiness. I hope I can bring Sara happiness, by appreciating what she has done for me until forever.
happiness 作文推薦:

- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·nextstop,happine600字
- ·happiness200字
- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·happiness300字
- ·happiness(幸福)250字
- ·happiness900字
- ·高三英語作文:happiness300字
- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·grasp the happin300字
- ·howtofindhappine100字
- ·itellyouhappines1100字
- ·the happiness of200字
- ·nextstop,happine300字
- ·nextstop,happine700字
- ·快樂聖誕節happinessin200字
- ·happiness300字
- ·happiness200字
- ·searchforhappine300字
- ·nextstop,happine500字
- ·因為很了解400字
- ·也許,我並不了解400字
- ·我對環保意識的了解500字
- ·我、逐漸了解她800字
- ·生活的了解200字
- ·人教版九年級下冊五單元作文:我所1300字
- ·讓我們來了解蜘蛛800字
- ·鈴鐺我送你500字
- ·(20100409)都是鈴鐺惹的600字
- ·手握陽光,心懷感恩600字
- ·做一個愛家的人700字
- ·追星不一定是壞事500字
- ·幸福其實不一定要完美100字
- ·堅持不一定勝利400字
- ·放棄不一定是懦落500字
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- ·難忘中秋作文 讀《小故事大道理》作文
- ·迎奧運,促和諧作文 長白山天池作文
- ·共建美好家園作文 生活的酸甜苦辣作文
- ·打掃教室作文 長大的感覺真好作文
- ·黑羊作文
- ·身邊的幸福作文
- ·要考試了作文
- ·山楂作文
- ·過中秋作文300字
- ·我發現了一個秘密作文
- ·得失之間作文 成長路作文800字
- ·惡魔天使作文1000字 世界末日作文500字
- ·嘟嘟作文900字 變形金剛作文700字
- ·一角作文700字 我懂得了珍惜作文800字
- ·寫景作文1000字 我和爸爸下象棋作文
- ·肥皂作文200字