分類:初一作文 字數:100字 編輯:小景
afarmerandsnake(農夫和蛇) 標籤:農夫和蛇作文 weekends作文 friends作文 myfriends作文
It happened in a very cold winter . One day a farmer was on his way home . Suddenly , he saw a snake lying on the ground , almost frozen to death . “Poor snake ! Let me save your life !”said the farmer . Then he put the snake under his coat , next to his warm body.
A few minutes later , the snake came back consciousness . The farmer did not get any signs of thanks for saving the snake’s life . Instead , the snake bit the farmer and left . “Poor me ! Why did I save the life of a cold-blooded snake ?” cried the dying farmer.
afarmerandsnake(農夫和蛇) 作文推薦:
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