分類:高三作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
Dear editor,
I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Those against charging entrance fee for parks take up 60%. They are of one mind that parks are a place for the public’s enjoyment. If tickets are demanded on the visitors of a park, a gate has to be set up and so have the walls on the four sides. If so, city will not look as beautiful as it would. Otherwise, those in favour of charging entrance fee for parks take up 40%. They all think that ticket price should be controlled properly, and that entrance fee can be used to pay the gardeners and buy new sorts of flowers and trees. The truth lies in the hands of the majority. Does my argument stand to reason, dear editor?
Yours truly,
Li Hua
Dear editor,
I’m writing to tell you about the discussion we have had about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. Of all us who have joined in the discussion, 60% share the point of view that an entrance fee should not be charged while 40% share the opposite view. Those who don’t agree with the idea think that a park is a place where the public can spend their spare time for pleasure. Those in support of the idea think that entrance fee for parks can’t be beyond control. Those against the idea think that a city’s appearance will be damaged because a gate and wails will be built if an entrance fee is to be collected. Those who agree with the idea think entrance fee can be used to pay the gardeners and buy new kinds of flowers and trees. I think it does more good than harm to charge an entrance fee for parks. Am I right, editor?
Yours truly,
Li Hua
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