分類:三年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:得得9
On December3, 2002, the Bureau of International Expositions (or call it BIE) announced that Shanghai will host Expo2010. the BIE had received bids from five cities to host Expo2010. Among the 5 nice cities, the BIE chose Shanghai at last! It’s really an exciting news for not only Shanghainese, but also all of Chinese people. Here are some details about it.
Look at this profile carefully. The title is “The 2010 World Exposition ,Shanghai, China ”. this is the logo.
And the theme is “better city., better life”.OK, let’s guess who is the image representative? Yeah, you’re right, Yao Ming!
Shanghai Expo is the first comprehensive World Expo held in a developing country. And it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme, hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life.
I think, as a student in Shanghai, we should learn to be a gentle person and keep good manners from now on. And try to practice English more in order to communicate with foreigners fluently in the near future. Because, we’re a part of Shanghai!
上海世博會相關英語作文範文二 作文推薦:

- ·上海世博會相關英語作文範文二400字
- ·上海世博會相關英語作文範文一500字
- ·英語作文:上海世博會對中國的影響300字
- ·高考英語作文範文600字
- ·春節新年新計劃英語作文範文200字
- ·一個難忘的暑假英語作文範文200字
- ·新年新計劃 英語作文範文450字
- ·上海世博會主題:城市,讓生活更美700字
- ·夏日旅行之上海世博會900字
- ·(2010050周記)上海世博會500字
- ·遨遊上海世博會800字
- ·暢想2010年上海世博會700字
- ·觀上海世博會開幕式有感700字
- ·上海世博會1000字
- ·上海世博會1000字
- ·上海世博會400字
- ·上海世博會500字
- ·上海世博會500字
- ·上海世博會400字
- ·上海世博會300字
- ·上海世博會300字
- ·上海世博會600字
- ·上海世博會400字
- ·上海世博會800字
- ·上海世博會700字
- ·上海世博會800字
- ·上海世博會900字
- ·上海世博會700字
- ·上海世博會——福建800字
- ·上海世博會觀后感1300字
- ·上海世博會800字
- ·上海世博會400字
- ·上海世博會500字
- ·好玩的世博會400字
- ·游世博日記1200字
- ·游世博600字
- ·小狗“胖胖”400字
- ·我家的胖胖和瘦瘦600字
- ·我的同學馬胖胖300字
- ·胖胖的我350字
- ·胖胖的黃浩300字
- ·胖胖300字
- ·“胖胖”和“瘦瘦”500字
- ·小交警800字
- ·我是一名小交警500字
- ·郵遞員作文 我想當班長作文
- ·黎明前的黑暗作文 今天真快樂作文
- ·最高興的事作文 天才在於勤奮作文
- ·童心依舊作文 漫話寒假作文
- ·我相信你作文 老屋作文
- ·害羞作文
- ·智慧之花作文
- ·幫媽媽買菜作文
- ·母親的心作文
- ·花的啟示作文
- ·我的日記本作文
- ·大發雷霆作文 我愛我作文100字
- ·紅領巾作文700字 一起來看流星雨作文
- ·科學家作文800字 好漢作文800字
- ·院子作文 結束作文
- ·多彩的作文150字 感受自然作文900字
- ·我的李老師作文400字