分類:初三作文 字數:1800字 編輯:得得9
At what time does train to Leeds leave?
A. 3:00. B. 3:15. C. 5:00.
W: Excuse me, could you tell me when the next train to Manchester leaves?
M: Sure. Well, it/'s three now. The next train to Manchester leaves in two hours, but you can take train to Leeds which leaves in fifteen minutes, and then get off at Manchester. It stops at Manchester on the way.
本題考查考生對話語所揭示信息的分辨能力。在男士的答語中給了三個時間,現在是三點,下一趟去Manchester的時間為再過2個小時,去 Leeds 的火車是15 分鐘之後,只有第一個和第三個時間才與所問問題有關。所以答案為B。
常見的提問形式有:What are they talking about? / What are the man and the woman talking about? / What does the passage talk about?等等。對於此類題若是對話,則要把對話雙方聯繫起來考慮。一般來說更應注意第一個說話人所說的關鍵詞語,它往往引出一個話題。
What are the two speakers talking about?
A. A football player.
B. A football team.
C. A football match.
W: Do you know that Michael Owen has won France Football/'s Golden Ball Prize?
M: Not a surprise. He has 20 goals this season.
本題考查對所聽對話主題的把握。對話的中心談一位球員, 而不是一支球隊或一場球賽。所以答案為A。
常見的提問方式有:Where is... ? /Where does the conversation probably take place? / Where are the two speakers now? /Where is the man going? 和 What/'s the man (woman)? / What/' s the man/'s (woman/'s) occupation? / What/'s the probable relationship between the two speakers? / Who is ... ?等等。對於此類問題要求考生根據談話內容來揣摩、推斷談話發生的場所或抓住暗示人物身份與關係的詞語等,據此做出正確的判斷。
What is the relationship between the two speakers?
A. Neighbors. B. Father and daughter.
C. Husband and wife.
W: Hello.
M: Hello. Lucy. This is John. Look, could you do me a favor? I/'ve tried to phone my wife six times and I can/'t get through. The line is busy all the time. Could you possibly go next door and give her a message?
W: Sure. What do you want to tell Mary?
M: Could you just say I/'ve run into an old friend and I/'m staying with him and not at the hotel. I/'ll give her a ring later.
W: Sure. I/'ll go round now.
M: Thanks a lot, Lucy.
W: Okay. Bye.
M: Bye!
常用的提問方式有:What does the man (woman) think of ... ? / How does the man (woman) feel about... ? 等等。聽這類試題我們首先要判斷兩個人的態度是否相同。如果不相同,我們要分清每個人對這件事情的看法,千萬不能夠混淆。另外說話人的態度是通過語氣、語調等的變化體現出來的,因此,聽的時候要做出正確的判斷。
6. How does the man feel about David/'s way of sleeping?
A. It/'s effective. B. It/'s strange. C. It/'s the best.
7. How many hours does David sleep a day?
A. Four. B. Six. C. Seven.
8. What does the woman suggest at the end of the talk?
A. People should develop a habit like David/'s.
B. People need longer hours of sleep.
C. People have different sleeping habits.
M: How come David is always so full of energy.
W: He has a strange but highly effective way of sleeping.
M: What is that?
W: He takes a short sleep for an hour every six hours and has a total of four hours/' sleep each day.
M: Where did he get that strange idea?
W: He read from a book which said it was the best way of human beings and he believed that.
M: How many hours do you sleep a day?
W: I need at least seven hours. I once tried to follow David/'s example. But it never worked out of me.
M: If I sleep during the day, I can never wake up.
W: Not everyone is David, I guess.
第6小題考查對說話者所持觀點、態度的理解情況。對話中女士提出 He has a strange but highly effective way of sleeping, 然後對David的睡眠方式進行了一番描述。男士則繼續質疑,其中也體現自己的態度:Where did he get that strange idea? 所以最佳答案為B。第7小題考查細節,A為正確答案。第8小題與第6小題考查的內容一樣。男女對David的睡眠方式進行了一番討論之後,女士才說/"Not everyone is David, I guess./",意為/"我想不同的人有不同的睡眠方式/"。所以C項為最佳答案。
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