分類:高一作文 字數:700字 編輯:pp958
Although we all know that Thanksgiving is a virtue, but in a more commercial and market-oriented society, in a money becomes increasingly be equal to anything within the environment, we seem to forget Thanksgiving. If the gratitude of all, even in the face of failure, life will become abnormal. Thanksgiving is a wealthy life, she is a kind of deep feeling, enhance personal charm, open the magic power of the door, excavates the infinite intelligence. Thanksgiving, is the starting point for happiness, it is also the source of endeavour. For Thanksgiving, so pity Xifu. Always with a thankful heart, the biggest beneficiary is not others, but yourself. When I want to write some what of time, must be some kind of emotion in my heart tangled for a long time, but when I really want to write what time, I found the text is so pale and weak, how it will not be able to truly express my innermost feelings like anger dirge, all written words are supporting the word surface expression, it only a superficial feeling, and that true happiness and sorrow, that heavy in the soul the deepest feelings and moved, when using the text to write to have lost the original taste. Like love and hate are really unable to express, only their own inner depths can experience, only those with sensitive feelings of the people, can we deeply appreciate the taste of happiness and pain. Loved the party informed heavy, drunk just know wine too thick. Some people say, people to death, to life? Is what people always before understand the taste? For what man can't have know without consulting an oracle of Hui Jue? But, if you give 80 year old mind and experience with your young life growing up together, you get no errors occur, not as brave, no passion, no desire for, there is only rational and calm, all follow the prescribed order to make progress toward your goals, would you? Do you accept this way of life? Life without the great waves of ups and downs, whether the meaning of such life? For the unknown, so expect; because expectations, so full of passion; because the passion, so life is full of vigorous vitality.

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