分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
When his younger days,
Why have the answer to,
But old Di,
You may also feel that life is not so-called Di answer.
Every day you have the opportunity to many people passing,
Some people may become your friends or friends Di,
So I never give up any friction Di opportunities and people.
This is because I need friends, need friendship……
Life long……
Where is the end……
I do not know
I can only hovering at a crossroads in the volatile free……
The future is unknown……
Can only be said to myself refueling efforts……
Living in the world
To whom »
---------------------- Long life
longlife{人生漫漫} 作文推薦:
longlife{人生漫漫} 暫無評論相關作文
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