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分類:四年級作文  字數:1000字  編輯:小景


  Happy Father”s Day


My dear dad:(我摯愛的爸爸)

  Today is Father”s Day.(今天是父親節)I love my father very much.(我極愛我的父親)I want to send my best wishes to you.(我要把我最好的祝福送給您)

  I remember all the beautiful times

  between us.(我記得我們在一起享有的美妙時光)Sush as you hold my hand to see the brilliant sunshine over the land.(比如您牽着我的手看那燦爛陽光沐浴大地) You hold my hand across the flowering forest.(您牽着我的手穿越綠意盎然的大森林)You hold my hand to roam the endless grassland.(您牽着我的手徜徉於無邊無際的草原) You hold my hand to play on the white beach near the equator”s island.(您牽着我的手在赤道小島的白色沙灘上嬉戲)You hold my hand to visit the great terra-cotta warrious.(您牽着我的手參觀宏偉壯觀的秦始皇兵馬俑) You hold my hand to run into the blue and shining seaside.(您牽着我的手在碧藍晶瑩的海邊奔跑)You hold my hand to enjoy the sweet smell of the rain and Dew.(您牽着我的手品嘗雨露的甘甜)

  Many many things you are together with me.(如許多的事情,我們在一起經歷。)We can count the stars.(我們一起數着星星)We can breathe deeply in the morning.(我們在清晨深深呼吸)We can walk in the dusk.(我們在黃昏漫步)

  If you are with me,there”s nothing between us.(如果您和我在一起,困難將不值一提)If you are with me,there”s peace inside me.(如果您和我在一起,我的內心將充滿平靜)If you are with me,I will do all I can.(如果您和我在一起,我將盡我所能)

  My dear dad,Ilove everything of you,(我的好爸爸,我愛您的一切)your handsome(您的帥氣),your laughing(您笑聲),your words,(您的話語)your step(您的步伐),everything ,you know?(一切的一切,知道嗎?)

  So ,all together ,Happy Father”s Day!(總之,父親節快樂)

  Your dear honey






  我一直想再寫篇關於老爸的作文,奈何最近要考試太忙了,只好先寫這篇中英雙語作文祝願他節日快樂!聊表心意!希望老爸開心! Xi ao Xue 1 2 3歡迎你投稿

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