分類:四年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
關於奧運會的演講 標籤:我的演講稿作文 國旗下的演講作文 競選班長的演講稿作文 我的演講作文
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a speech in support of the 2008 Olympic Games in the name of the student union. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:The exciting moment, I am convinced, must remain vivid in our mind, when Beijing, the Capital of China, was proclaimed the final winner to host the Olympic Games in 2008 by Chairman of the International Olympic ComOlympic Games, held every four years, boast a long history and offer rare opportunities for different nations to get together, which are far more than sports contests participated by professional athletes. Through Olympics, new world records are set, resilient sportsmanship is highlighted, sport-related industries spring up and international goodwill and exchange get greatly enhanced. mittee. Time flies, and the new Olympics is coming very soon!As college students, we ought to contribute our share to the imminent Olympic Games with responsibility of citizenship as well as focused knowledge. For instance, it is advisable to give voluntary lectures to popularize Olympic knowledge and environmental awareness in some residential areas. And we are looking forward to your suggestions and participation!
Student Union
關於奧運會的演講 作文推薦:

- ·關於奧運會的演講400字
- ·關於奧運會的作文700字
- ·關於奧運會的作文800字
- ·關於奧運會作文500字
- ·關於奧運的高考0分作文2800字
- ·關於奧運的一段文字800字
- ·關於奧運的英語作文700字
- ·關於奧數。900字
- ·關於奧比和摩爾100字
- ·銘記那些感動——寫於奧運一周年700字
- ·一篇關於學校要舉行校運會的通知!250字
- ·關於開學典禮和教師節的演講稿500字
- ·我的演講稿(關於保護我們家園)600字
- ·關於三八婦女節的演講稿800字
- ·關於“孝道”的演講稿500字
- ·關於環保的演講稿500字
- ·關於環保的演講稿500字
- ·關於珍惜時間的演講稿500字
- ·關於兩個問題的演講250字
- ·站在北京奧運會的獎台上600字
- ·奧運會的一場女排決賽300字
- ·給2008奧運會的一封信700字
- ·給2008奧運會的一封信900字
- ·給2008奧運會的一封信900字
- ·給北京2008奧運會的一封信900字
- ·至2008奧運會的叔叔阿姨500字
- ·至2008奧運會的一封信400字
- ·致2008奧運會的一封信700字
- ·致2008奧運會的一封信700字
- ·我為動物奧運會的講解詞1100字
- ·讀《陶校長的演講》有感600字
- ·《中國夢,我的夢》演講稿1100字
- ·螞蟻懂得的道理300字
- ·懂得珍惜700字
- ·懂得看書500字
- ·做個真朋友——送給每個真心的朋友400字
- ·真心的話400字
- ·真心?200字
- ·我愛潔白無暇的冬天500字
- ·白楊700字
- ·美麗的乳山銀灘500字
- ·碧海銀灘600字
- ·我愛北海銀灘400字
- ·暫時的夥伴500字
- ·陽光夥伴700字
- ·少先隊員作文 我心中的夢想作文
- ·答案作文 笑談人生作文
- ·上超市作文 殺手作文
- ·寒假見聞作文 情願作文
- ·愛青春作文 夜景作文
- ·訴苦作文
- ·獻給母校作文
- ·紅樹林作文
- ·櫻桃作文500字
- ·山溪作文
- ·假花作文
- ·沉醉作文1000字 冬天裡的陽光作文
- ·承諾作文350字 高貴作文
- ·壓力作文 陽光下作文700字
- ·學會作文800字 寫書作文
- ·心中的花朵作文900字 五色花作文
- ·可愛的作文450字