a man`s worth cannot be_200字
分類:四年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
a man`s worth cannot be 標籤:birthday作文 mymother作文 mother作文 my mother作文
A few days ago, I saw one of my classmates cheating on the accounting exam. I was so surprised that she did such a thing. It made me feel sad and confused. Why did she cheat? Maybe she just wanted to get higher grades and didn”t want to lose face. But at any rate, cheating is a vile action.
I told one of my friends about our classmate”s cheating, and she found it hard to believe. Even though the girl has a good temperament, our impression of her has changed.
Now, I no longer trust people based on their looks. Maybe someone looks honest, but he or she has bad intentions. Can we tell by looks alone? So, I”ve lost faith in society.
a man`s worth cannot be 作文推薦:

a man`s worth cannot be 暫無評論
- ·a man`s worth ca200字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·nothing in the w1000字
- ·allthese,icannot400字
- ·theearth——ourmot1000字
- ·not shooting for250字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·anothertermofyr300字
- ·the earthworm’s 400字
- ·ontheoriginofthe300字
- ·what`sdonecannot100字
- ·noting”sgonnacha900字
- ·icannotstandit!100字
- ·mywings,youcanno2200字
- ·myfourteenthbirt200字
- ·thebirthdayparty100字
- ·aftertheearthqua600字
- ·mymother”sbirthd100字
- ·高二英語作文:mother’sb400字
- ·themotherlandabe1000字
- ·happy birthday 250字
- ·protect the eart250字
- ·protecttheearth100字
- ·lightisnotworkin200字
- ·thesecerttunnel(1100字
- ·onceisbetterthan600字
- ·winning the lott150字
- ·theageofinnocenc200字
- ·togetherthrought500字
- ·thefurthestdista200字
- ·老師的“神眼”300字
- ·快樂的小狗200字
- ·記錄200字
- ·五彩秋天500字
- ·小貓米米600字
- ·我愛四季500字
- ·老師,請您歇一歇100字
- ·繼母的心500字
- ·老師改髮型500字
- ·我是“一”400字
- ·雨中的那把紅傘700字
- ·表揚250字
- ·大佛頭500字
- ·向你介紹一個人——我250字
- ·幸福600字
- ·初雨作文 心中的海作文
- ·我愛家鄉的春天作文 我愛春節作文
- ·門前作文 縮寫作文
- ·有意義的生活作文 蔚藍的天空作文
- ·人生的起跑線作文 慢慢的作文
- ·最後的晚餐作文
- ·難忘的中秋節作文
- ·少年愁作文
- ·操場上的笑聲作文
- ·小梅沙作文
- ·含羞草作文
- ·第一次學騎車作文300字 我的母親作文900字
- ·香港遊記作文 堅守作文900字
- ·項鏈作文300字 田園作文100字
- ·希望的種子作文 我的表弟作文800字
- ·奮鬥作文1000字 最好的自己作文400字
- ·訣別作文