分類:五年級作文 字數:100字 編輯:pp958
A wolf, roaming by the mountain”side,saw his own shadow,as the sun was setting, become greatly extended and magnified, and he said to himself,"Why should I,being of such an immense size,and extending nearly an acre in length, be afraid of the lion? Ought I not to be acknow ledged as King of all thecollected beasts?"While he wasindulging in these pooud thoughts,a lion fell upon him,and killed him.Heexclaimed with a too-late repentance,”Wretched me!this overestimation of myself is the cause of my destruction.”
wolfandlion 作文推薦:

wolfandlion 暫無評論
- ·wolfandlion100字
- ·the wolf and the500字
- ·the rabbit and t600字
- ·a wonderful, won250字
- ·a wolf350字
- ·work in a team o300字
- ·friendshipsandlo100字
- ·iwouldliketoflyi200字
- ·iwouldliketotell300字
- ·wonderfulschooll100字
- ·a wonderful holi200字
- ·wonderfulnationa300字
- ·mind with the fr600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·海洋ɡuǎn500字
- ·mood-middleschoo400字
- ·anoldmanandgold100字
- ·introducemyself(300字
- ·wearehalfaworlda600字
- ·a laid-off woman100字
- ·「endlessstory。900字
- ·iwanderedlonelya500字
- ·myfriendlilybylu200字
- ·wealth,successan400字
- ·englishisourseco100字
- ·theendlessnightm1100字
- ·theendlessnightm500字
- ·theendlessnightm1400字
- ·theendlessnightm500字
- ·夜100字
- ·挑食的弟弟250字
- ·快樂北侖行700字
- ·我的拿手菜400字
- ·石頭的命運400字
- ·夢400字
- ·夏天100字
- ·快樂根據地400字
- ·逛麗水商城800字
- ·小布魯(10)1100字
- ·陶罐頌600字
- ·祭→黑2200字
- ·孝順父母500字
- ·暑假300字
- ·給奧委會的一封信700字
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