be happy_350字
分類:初三作文 字數:350字 編輯:小景
be happy 標籤:happy作文 ahappyday作文 happyday作文 happiness作文
You must hear the expression that "Money is everything".Is that ture?It”s obvious that there are so many temptations such as money,power and positon in society that if we are careless we may go astray.What someone want is to get rich.But I can”t share this opinion.I prefer to be happy rather than be rich.
The other day,I have heard a story that told about the happy prince which is a stone carving.His eyes were made of bule jewels and his clothing was made of gold and silver.At that time, there was a famine that a lot of people were starving to death.So,the happy prince gave all his vabluable things to the poor people.At last ,the happy prince became very ugly.But he was still very happy for he helped people and he would live in people ”mind forever.From this story ,we can learn that the way to be happy is to help others who are in need.While you sowing the seeds of happiness,you can gain more happiness.
中學生優 秀白雲飄飄網(白雲飄飄網)be happy 作文推薦:
- ·happyhappyland.200字
- ·豌豆公主和騎士的happpyen400字
- ·豌豆公主和騎士的happpyen600字
- ·happy today250字
- ·happy迎接六一①800字
- ·happy迎接六一②1200字
- ·happy的暑假600字
- ·happychristmasda100字
- ·happynewyear100字
- ·happynewyear100字
- ·happynewyear100字
- ·happynewyear300字
- ·happynewyear100字
- ·happynewyear![賀]100字
- ·happynewyear。1100字
- ·把微笑送給自己!happynew850字
- ·關於春節的英語作文-happyn300字
- ·新年快樂!happynewyea700字
- ·wehappytoday400字
- ·happywinterholid200字
- ·憶小學時光——happy=軍訓1000字
- ·元宵節happy700字
- ·happy愚人節700字
- ·冰冷[4](給happymoon300字
- ·逆轉世界【happy篇】500字
- ·鸚鵡“happy”1000字
- ·六月徵文:我的happy童年800字
- ·ahappyweekend300字
- ·happy weekend100字
- ·myhappylastweeke100字
- ·angelwillgosehom2000字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·what`scool?300字
- ·what a happy day200字
- ·雖然..但是....100字
- ·真愛,絕不與金錢同行600字
- ·天才絕不是吹出來的900字
- ·絕不回頭300字
- ·絕不放鬆1100字
- ·智力運動會800字
- ·四季的變幻700字
- ·四季的變幻600字
- ·風景,林蔭深處的變幻700字
- ·變幻的時光(後續)300字
- ·寒假的雪作文 悔改作文
- ·學習快樂作文 一個老人作文
- ·地球的哭訴作文 那一次我成功了作文
- ·心動的感覺作文 最難忘的一天作文
- ·你最珍貴作文 攀比作文
- ·青蟲作文
- ·《童年》讀後感800字
- ·記住這一天作文400字
- ·無私的奉獻作文
- ·蘋果作文300字
- ·秋夜作文
- ·你我作文 一筆畫作文150字
- ·龜兔賽跑作文350字 學會堅強作文200字
- ·柳樹作文300字 小木偶的故事續作文
- ·讀《狼圖騰》作文700字 糖作文100字
- ·喜歡作文150字 情感作文1000字
- ·富有作文300字