分類:初一作文 字數:700字 編輯:pp958
吸煙的危害(theharmofsmoki 標籤:吸煙的危害作文 煙的危害作文 mymother作文 mother作文
Smoking, which may be a pleasure for some people, is a series of discomforts for their fellows. Medicai scientists have expressed their concern about the effect of smoking on the health not only of
those who are smoking but also of those who live in the air polluted by tobacco smoke. And studies show that non-smokers suffer more than the smokers themselves.
A great number of students have joined in trying to persuade the university to forbid smoking. Smoking is not allowed in theatres, cinemas and in other public places. Therefore,smoking must be forbidden in our classrooms.
Although many people have passed away for having smoked a lot and we call on people to give up smoking, yet many more will turn down what we say every day. I think it more important to call on the smoker to use good judgment and to show concern for others.
吸煙可能對某些人來說是一件愉快的事情,但卻為他們的夥伴帶來一系列的不適。 醫藥科學家們表達了他們對煙民們和生活在被煙草污染的空氣中的人們的健康受吸煙影。
吸煙的危害(theharmofsmoki 作文推薦:

- ·吸煙的危害(theharmofs700字
- ·theearth——ourmot1000字
- ·look at the clou350字
- ·吸煙的危害700字
- ·吸煙的危害400字
- ·吸煙的危害500字
- ·吸煙的危害800字
- ·吸煙的危害800字
- ·tadpoleslookingf200字
- ·tadpoleslookingf300字
- ·makeacupofsmooth100字
- ·thehorrormassacr300字
- ·the behavior of 400字
- ·therusultofthehi100字
- ·關於拒絕吸煙、反對吸煙的建議書500字
- ·the moth and the1200字
- ·thisismygrandmot100字
- ·吸煙對人的危害研究報告450字
- ·煙的危害1500字
- ·wherehavetheflow900字
- ·thehen(童話)700字
- ·eclipseofthehear700字
- ·becausehe”snothe300字
- ·beautifulturning800字
- ·mind with the fr600字
- ·mydearmother200字
- ·anothertermofyr300字
- ·mymother,father100字
- ·studentsonthemov300字
- ·motherlyandfathe600字
- ·爸爸你不能在吸煙了100字
- ·煙雲夢100字
- ·逃離煙雲島。700字
- ·逝雨煙雲300字
- ·浮華.煙雲1100字
- ·如煙1100字
- ·夢如煙300字
- ·寂寞如煙300字
- ·吸煙的爸爸500字
- ·吸煙的爸爸500字
- ·考試600字
- ·考試600字
- ·考試600字
- ·考試600字
- ·考試600字
- ·洗鞋作文 晴雨作文
- ·給遠方親人的一封信作文 聖地作文
- ·我讀懂了愛作文 那個冬天作文
- ·小白馬作文 神奇的鞋作文
- ·四大天王作文 雨季作文
- ·《雷鋒日記》讀後感作文
- ·艷陽天作文
- ·往昔作文
- ·我的成功作文
- ·音樂之美作文
- ·第一次削蘋果作文
- ·情誼作文1000字 二十年後的聚會作文1000字
- ·明天會更好作文800字 吃桔子作文
- ·挨打作文700字 今天發生的作文
- ·夢裡花落知多少作文700字 悄悄地提醒作文
- ·新年計劃作文 有趣的活動課作文
- ·珍惜時間作文100字