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關於食物的英語文章 標籤:有趣的英語課作文 一堂有趣的英語課作文 我們的英語老師作文 我的英語老師作文
關於食物的英語文章 精彩句子搶先看
1、 On the contrary , the courses are exquisitely prepared. so chinese enjoy the dining atomsphere most.
2、 when he went back to itali, he tried to make dumplings by himself , but unfortunatly, he forgot how to put the piling in to the dough, thus , he just sprayed them on the surface of the pizza and baked it.
3、There are countless reasons to prove the strengh of chinese cusine, here i just pick three of them to show the advantage of the chinese cusine.
chinese take pride in their food culture just as french do. to taste a dish , what would you care most, the nutrition of the ingredients , the taste of the dish , the atomsphere you enjoy or the fun you may have when you are eating. The way i see it, chiese pay more attention to the atomsphere. it is easy to prove . Just think of how many things do you take during the spring festival dinner. people talk ,laugh ,but seldom eat. They spend most of the time on drinking and toasting. My father say that he cannot eat anthing after several bouts of wine. Can we say dishes made during the Spring Festival not dilicious ? On the contrary , the courses are exquisitely prepared. so chinese enjoy the dining atomsphere most.
there has been a heat debate about what kind of cuisine is the best in the world. some say french cuisine, others say italian cuisine, still some say Thai cuisine. As for me, chinese cuisine is the best. i have three points to support my view.
Firstly, chinese cuisine can be categorize into eight items, namely, Lu Yue , Chuan ,Xiang, Ming , Zhe, Su, Hui. moreover, there are various subtypes under the eight items. Secondly, chinese cuisine is a important communication tool. a good numer of business or deal get done and gratidudes or apology are readily accepted during the dinning . last but not the least , chinese cuisine has a long history which seldom countries have had. There is a popular joke enjoyed by both people from home and abroad. We are know pizza, but where does it come from. You may quickly respose that it originate from Itali. While some say it derives from china. back to Tang dynasty(618-907AD), a italian saw chinese people put the filling into the thin flat dough to make dumplings. when he went back to itali, he tried to make dumplings by himself , but unfortunatly, he forgot how to put the piling in to the dough, thus , he just sprayed them on the surface of the pizza and baked it. Naturally the first pizza came into being.
There are countless reasons to prove the strengh of chinese cusine, here i just pick three of them to show the advantage of the chinese cusine.
some people may ask why chinese food cannot enjoyed by the people across the world while western food has already penetrating to the heart of chnese dietary habbit. i admit that there is a distavantage right here. however why we don”t see things from anther angle, just the diversity of chinese food make it impossible to be globalized. can we people in differnt only speak a language, lead the same lifestyle and our offerspring be born in the same color. Obviously ,the answer is no. it”s the diversity that makes the world full of wonder . even the western food does a lot change in itself in order to care to the special need of differnt peoples. Above all, chinese food can never be golobalized, if it did , then our world would be ruled by machine.
關於食物的英語文章 作文推薦:
- ·關於食物的英語文章1100字
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