get rid of smoking_200字
分類:高二作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
get rid of smoking 標籤:angel的愛情作文 smile作文 thisisme作文 mymother作文
Great changes took place in his body. It is obvious that smoking is bad for his disease. Besides, lack of fiber lesd to his disease. He lied on the bed in hospital, felling longly and furstrated. He looked forward to going back home to have fun with family members.
Finally, he decided to have a healthy life. After dinner, he took exercise outside instead of watching TV at home, which benefit to his health. He lose weight success in this way.
From this stroy, I found that it is important to have optimistic attitude when difficulties. And I am fully convinced that hard work leads to success.
get rid of smoking 作文推薦:
get rid of smoking 暫無評論相關作文
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