分類:高二作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
約定信 標籤:約定作文 我們的約定作文 樹下的約定作文 我和未來有個約定作文
Dear Mary,
I'm very glad you came to China. I learned from your last letter that you came to China but didn't know where to play. I think it would be best if you asked me. I hope you can come to Hubei to play with me. I'll show you the very beautiful scenery.
As a student who likes to travel very much, I am very confident, I can take you hard in all kinds of places. Why does it have to be Hubei? The first is because my family lives in Hubei. This is what I know more about this place. Followed by Hubei, there are really a lot of beautiful scenery. As the birthplace of Jin-Chu civilization,there are very, very many ancient artifacts in the museums in Hubei, and they are very valuable. If it were me, I would definitely go to the Hubei Museum first. There are a lot of Chinese Spring and Autumn Period and Warring States Period. These cultural relics are very valuable for scientific research and appreciation. I firmly believe that in the Hubei museum you can experience China's long cultural heritage. Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, has a Yellow Crane Tower called the world. In addition to enjoying the beautiful scenery, the more important thing is to taste the delicious Chinese food. China is a country with 5000 years of civilization, so our food is also very diverse. Wuhan has hot dry noodle,which is very famous.There are a lot of food and attractions left, and when you come to China, I can take you slowly one by one to enjoy. So please enjoy looking forward to it.
We have to make a plan at a specific time. I think the best option is on Wednesday, the second week of next month. After you come to China, you go directly to Wuhan. I will tell you the specific address, remember to remember my phone number. Don't hesitate to tell me if you have any other questions. Looking forward to your early reply.

- ·約定信600字
- ·堅定信念600字
- ·堅定信念1000字
- ·堅定信念,永不言棄900字
- ·堅定信念放飛夢想300字
- ·堅定信心,永不放棄700字
- ·只有堅定信念才能獲得成功450字
- ·堅定信念,堅持到底800字
- ·堅定信念,擁抱成功700字
- ·堅定信念,收穫成功700字
- ·堅定信念,實現夢想700字
- ·堅定信念,執着向前700字
- ·相信自我,堅定信念700字
- ·星空下的約定-----永恆的約定600字
- ·我和爸爸媽媽有個約定600字
- ·我們約定:我們不再哭泣!——寫在600字
- ·魔法學院之螢火蟲的約定700字
- ·魔法學院之螢火蟲的約定300字
- ·我和龍年有個約定600字
- ·情人節的約定200字
- ·流星雨的約定200字
- ·鞦韆上的約定1000字
- ·狗尾巴草的約定1500字
- ·一生一世的約定3000字
- ·別忘記我們的約定600字
- ·直至忘記我們的約定300字
- ·不要忘記了我們的約定1200字
- ·煙柳有情開不盡,東風約定年年信900字
- ·有一種美麗叫約定600字
- ·答應我最後一個約定不再聯絡700字
- ·讀《季羨林散文精選》有感400字
- ·心繫祖國,胸懷天下800字
- ·探心450字
- ·細節400字
- ·把握未來300字
- ·擁有800字
- ·曾經遇見500字
- ·感慨400字
- ·純凈450字
- ·忠言隨筆400字
- ·生活300字
- ·隨感300字
- ·影100字
- ·熟悉的陌生人400字
- ·未來與童話鎮350字
- ·吹蠟燭作文 我們這一代作文
- ·可樂作文 狼道作文
- ·心靈的愛作文 鄉間小路作文
- ·紙上談兵作文 我們都是好孩子作文
- ·拋棄作文 咸亨酒店作文
- ·做米飯作文
- ·長征作文500字
- ·20年後的我作文200字
- ·布鞋作文
- ·人間四月天作文
- ·一堂有趣的作文課作文
- ·幫助殘疾人作文 少年小樹之歌作文
- ·信息作文 太子作文700字
- ·苦難中成長作文 愚人作文700字
- ·學習委員演講稿 外星作文150字
- ·超能力作文400字 偷菜作文500字
- ·小生命作文