分類:高一作文 字數:250字 編輯:小景
續寫 標籤:續寫作文 《龜兔賽跑》續寫作文 《唯一的聽眾》續寫作文 《最後一課》續寫作文
I told him the details and he agreed with me.We decided to bring the boy to the safe place first.We caught up with the boy but he still looked at us cautiously.The man told the boy that it“s dangerous to run along the mediam especially on a busy street with soft voice.Then we asked what he wanted to do and we would help him.Under the steady gaze of us,the boy told us a little reluctantly that he was lost and he wanted to go to where his dad worked and there was address and cellphones on the paper.Then we brought him to a safe place and called his dad and told him where we were.
When the boy saw his dad,a smile of joy was bubbing up from within on his face.His dad expressed his gratitude and we blamed the dad for leaving his son along.He explained what happened.Finally,they went home and we both in relief.

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