silly bone_400字
分類:高一作文 字數:400字 編輯:pp958
It's hard to imagine such a foolish woman, but she does live in the world and I met her by accident.
She is pregnant around 29 weeks. Since she is 22 year-old now, I guess she has never received higher education. Perhaps that's why she is too stupid to understand my words. Being told that her disease cannot be cured by taking medicine time and time again, she still asked for medicine. What a donkey she is!
It's likely that her parents and husband are as foolish as her, otherwise they will adopt her. Well maybe she is an orphan without having a look of her parents. Perhaps the foetus is a reset of having b been raped. Who knows?
There is no doubt that she will never recover without proper treatment. The disease will be more and more severe and eventually ruin her health. I wish she would suffer a miscarriage and never be able to give birth to a child. Go hell, rude and savage ugly woman, because she deserves all this. The development of our society will never call for such an idiot like her.
A saying goes that a woman will become more stupid with pregnancy. This is open to discussion. I do remember some pregnant women acting like an idiot, though. Giving birth to a baby is not always something sacred.
I offer my best wishes to those more compliant. Nevertheless I really hate unintelligent people like her.
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