one colour day有顏色的一天_1100字
分類:六年級作文 字數:1100字 編輯:小景
one colour day有顏色的一天 標籤:ourschool作文 color作文 favourite作文 lonely作文
Ben and Charlie liked different colour, Ben was red. Charlie’s was yellow.
One morning, Charlie decided to have a ‘one colour day.’
He put on a yellow T-shirt, yellow shorts and yellow socks.
“Today is yellow day!” he shouted.
But Ben put red shorts, a red stripy top and red slippers.
“Today is red day!” he said to Charlie.
At breakfast, Ben put red jam on his toast. Charlie put cheese spread on his.
“I’ve got an idea,” said Charlie. “I’m going to eat yellow food all day!”
“And I’m going to eat red food!” said Ben.
“What are you going to eat Ben?” said Dad.
“Ketchup,” said Ben. “and tomatoes and umm…” He couldn’t think of anything else.
“My favourite colour is blue,” said Mum.
“What could we eat for blue day?” No one could think of any blue food at all!
But when it was suppertime, there were plenty of red things for Ben.
Red tomatoes, red ketcup, red peppers, red beans, red juice to drink.
Ben ate it all up, even the red beans.
Charlie had yellow cheese, yellow pineapple, yellow chips, yellow sweetcorn, yellow juice.
Charlie ate it all up.
Then Dad put a bowl of cherries on the table.
“Oh no!” said Charlie. “I love cherries but cherries are red and today is yellow day.”
Dad put a bunch of bananas on the table.
“Oh no!” said Ben. “I love bananas but bananas are yellow and today is red day.
Mum put bananas and some cherries on their plates. “I think today is red and yellow day,” she said.
“So do we!” shouted Ben and Charlie.
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