分類:六年級作文 字數:700字 編輯:得得9
sixyears.past.. 標籤:tenyears作文 thestars作文 stars作文 newyear作文
The desire for finally realized that the expected arriveal of summer finally arrived, but not the taste, I finally graduated. In elementary school life six become an unforgettable experience. There was
(A)a lesson which left a deep impression on me. Then (graduated)graduating from a period of time, the teacher asked us to write a composition "graduate". The second lesson, the teacher screened many compositions, and (make)made the students read platform. I”ve seen the teacher -- this is one of the largest task(任務) to (chosen)chose good compositions. There It is position
Listening to an article and article "voice", we are taken by the articles. The tearsis forunforgettable. We cried and read not bottom go to, the teacher helps us to read. Unexpectedly, the teacher also (cry)cried. Glasses through the eyes, it is touched tears. Despite this, but the teacher is still (smile)smiling finishing our composition. ThereItisposition
This damn "tears as a" constantly bud growth. Seeing our beloved classroom,it suddenly became like saying bye. Wipe tears to the students, the time of dry. Tears drenched sleeves. Suddenly, I finally feel "time flies." I hate the time of cruelty. Why, why do you always keep to appreciate the beautiful scenery. Useless, the time will not be stopped. Because of this, I never listen, do better, want to leave a good impression of teacher, The unity and more… There
we soon gracefully.I don”t spend and "Alma mater", "teacher" and "students" time together. Facing the graduation tests of pressure… We spent three days, waiting for the achievements of his Alma mater, to know. This is a real respectively, true. Don”t know what time can also (came)come when Alma mater, can still (sitting)sit in front of the classroom. Once a gardener, from commencement day, we left the last two good teacher, I can no longer do back to their students. But still, I will remember you have (is)been my teacher in primary school graduating class. The trees in the school recorded my life of six rings, and this is my memorial to the Alma mater. There
Goodbye, my dear Alma mater! Goodbye, my respected teacher. Goodbye, lively alumni! You give me a better side, your smile makes time to stay in my memory card, I will never forget you have! -
sixyears.past.. 作文推薦:

- ·sixyears.past..700字
- ·ihaveadatewitrst400字
- ·selbstvorstellun100字
- ·bestwishestoteac100字
- ·thefirsttothelas400字
- ·thursday,august1100字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·byebye2008擁抱2009400字
- ·我和心愛的小雨傘說byebye300字
- ·畢業,說bye,bye500字
- ·向舊時光說byebye700字
- ·bye bye,school500字
- ·seasonsinmyeyes100字
- ·byebye現代詩200字
- ·對早戀saybye~bye~1100字
- ·byebye曾經comeon未來400字
- ·勇敢de說bye-bye1000字
- ·可惡的牛皮癬,byebye!1000字
- ·我想對鋼琴說“bye-bye!”700字
- ·和粗心說“byebye”500字
- ·跟魔法說byebye800字
- ·byebyebaby1500字
- ·myeyesdon’tlie200字
- ·元旦英語100字作文mynewy100字
- ·mymotherseyes(母親900字
- ·foreversaygoodby600字
- ·neversaygoodbye(3000字
- ·neversaygoodbye~1500字
- ·tenyearsago明星夢第二1100字
- ·tenyearsago明星夢第三900字
- ·聽雷600字
- ·隨筆600字
- ·秋300字
- ·八塊錢買來的自信600字
- ·人世奇緣(一)900字
- ·芙琳公主(10)700字
- ·“搶書”樂700字
- ·假文盲400字
- ·堅冰。;11400字
- ·軍訓小插曲500字
- ·為父母分擔責任400字
- ·給小貓治病600字
- ·陽光之旅800字
- ·日記一則250字
- ·搶眼的頭版頭條700字
- ·上下五千年讀後感作文 愛,讓我感動作文
- ·聖誕節的由來作文 黑色星期三作文
- ·雲淡風輕作文 觀日全食作文
- ·鋼鐵是怎樣煉成的作文 視野作文
- ·地震作文 放棄也美麗作文
- ·我的一張照片作文
- ·顫抖作文
- ·幫助別人作文600字
- ·寫給秋天作文
- ·暑假中的一件事作文
- ·小雷鋒作文300字
- ·為難作文700字 我心目中的春作文500字
- ·名字的由來作文 我的家鄉作文800字
- ·節約作文300字 觀雨作文600字
- ·我能作文 我愛我的媽媽作文100字
- ·渴望和平作文500字 沒有了作文
- ·我最敬佩的一個人作文400字