分類:四年級作文 字數:1000字 編輯:小景
No wonder that say" the examination is the teacher”s magic weapon!" After hair finish to try book, in addition to a voice of answer of" the sand sand" you are very difficult to hear again other voices ring.Connect the peacetime to love to talk to do the small action to usually be subjected to the critical boy small just also made change another shape at this time:The small eyebrows is tight wrinkly get up, the inching 噘 of very thick lips rise, the small card of small toy that usually play with was also seldom held the in hand and medium fountain-pen now act for.All classmates do, deliberate in earnest with the different carriage.Some sides write the side 撓 head, still reading aloud to have the phrase apparently in mouth;Have of lie prone to check to calculate hard on the table, so big of a the piece plays the toilet paper in a short while the time write full;Have then simultaneously the mouth bites the fountain-pen part deep in thought;The eye that still have hopes the window to contemplate outside, an appearance of" can not carry, many sorrow".Can don”t become sad, hoped the along while to also hope to disappear the answer.
" Teacher, she see mine!" Suddenly a voice with clear and crisp little boy broke the equanimity of the classroom, also interrupting me very the observation of the interest." Teacher, just now, she alwayses is inclined to fix attention on toward me to see here!" But he sit at the same table, a fat girl who wears to fix attention on the mirror, at this time a face of facial expression for make a mistake, mouth in but the ground of 怯怯 say:When" I didn”t- I didn”t-" be me to turn these two classmate in fronts again, discover just now that" plaintiff" should through adopt the measure of" the sheep of 亡 repairs the prison", seek the two greatest ZHANG YAN4s to calculate the paper all covers of contents that does to finish get up.But that fat girl stares at several own ways still have not yet done the applied of, a piece of and small rubber turns around in the her hand.
" Notice, wrong!" Really want to remind the thin boy small clear, looking at pretty smart, how so careless, result clearly is"69", can he but it happened that write"96"! The facial expression of big and parts of classmates is change into by the strain or Ping-ho or smile of time, time of the examination have already also passed by the greater half. )
" Teacher, still have many long time!" A beautiful girl of the first row smiles happily the ground to ask the way after stretch a lazy waist. The fat boy of the third row see come true to get tired and bad, several minutes of time has already beaten three gapes, the mouth piece have to simply can let go of a big apple.
Or the last row of and small strong words alleviated this too tense atmosphere, make the classroom of dead silent more than a hour appeared for the first time just some little laughter. ," Teacher, I want to go to the stool, I canned not contain any more!"
考試英文版 作文推薦:

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