分類:初一作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
Set free
The month is clear such as the water
The tree descends on the prowl-
Contemplate in ten deadwoods
Generously of whip oneself
Ground shadow within last month
The people of this world is took him fors all a dream
And is a not clear dream
Not clear in want him too clear
My friend
Life excellent suffer from
From now on
Cherish her such as the white dress of snow
But still the beard pass through
This is limitless Black Sea
My friend!
World since don”t abandon you
Why not you abandonned world
Let general independence of her crane
Cloud general freedom
The water is general quiet
The life is a dream
Also had a clear dream!
Contemplate in throw deadwood
The leisureliness sees an oneself
Ground shadow within last month
setfree(解脫英文版) 作文推薦:

- ·setfree(解脫英文版)500字
- ·sweetsweetfriend400字
- ·自我介紹(英文版) to in100字
- ·weneedfreedom200字
- ·trees are our fr250字
- ·mysweetfamily300字
- ·mysweetfamily200字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·mynetfriend100字
- ·netfriend——送竹韻清清1100字
- ·my greatful home100字
- ·感恩父親(英文版)600字
- ·《同學總動員》之“李子”(英文版600字
- ·寶塔里的女孩(英文版)100字
- ·todayleave(《如今離開700字
- ·《烏鴉喝水》英文版500字
- ·我最喜歡的節日[英文版]700字
- ·假如全球停水英文版2400字
- ·酸甜苦辣!趣味暑假!(英文版)700字
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- ·我的書包(英文版)100字
- ·天才畫家(英文版)1300字
- ·給媽媽的一封信(英文版)300字
- ·武林外傳英文版700字
- ·武林外傳英文版100字
- ·給你生活的忠告(英文版)1600字
- ·[英文版]archive。(昔日1200字
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- ·《同學總動員》之黃浩志英文版700字
- ·26個英文字母的故事700字
- ·[英文版]archive。(昔日1200字
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- ·美麗的謊言450字
- ·美麗的謊言2200字
- ·我的悠悠球600字
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- ·買悠悠球100字
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- ·只想要自由的女孩2500字
- ·有時,我也想要自由600字
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- ·鏡頭作文700字