分類:初三作文 字數:1400字 編輯:小景
《“精彩極了”和“糟糕透了”》讀後感 標籤:《童年》讀後感作文 《醜小鴨》讀後感作文 《海的女兒》讀後感作文 《夏洛的網》讀後感作文
The Wonderful Lousy Poems
Budd Schulberg
When I was eight or nine years old, I wrote my first poem.
At that time my father was a Hollywood tycoon, head of Paramount Studios. My mother was a founder and prime mover in various intellectual projects, helping to bring "culture" to the exuberant Hollywood community, of the 1920s.
My mother read the little poem and began to cry. "Buddy, you didn”t really write this beautiful, beautiful poem!" Shyly, proud-bursting, I stammered that I had. My mother poured out her welcome praise. Why, this poem was nothing short of genius. She had no idea that I had such talent for writing. I must write more poems, keep on writing, perhaps someday even publish them.
I glowed. "What time will Father be home?" I asked. I could hardly wait to show him what I had accomplished. My mother said she hoped he would be home around 7. I spent the best part of that afternoon preparing for his arrival.
First, I wrote the poem out in my finest flourish. Then I used colored crayons to draw an elaborate border around it that would do justice to its brilliant content. Then I waited. As 7 o”clock drew near, I confidently placed it right on my father”s plate on the dining-room table.
But my father did not return at 7. I rearranged the poem so it would appear at a slightly more advantageous angle on his plate. Seven-fifteen. Seven-thirty. The suspense was exquisite. I admired my father. He had begun his motion-picture career as a writer. He would be able to appreciate this wonderful poem of mine even more than my mother.
This evening it was almost 8 o”clock when my father burst in, and his mood seemed thunderous. He was an hour late for dinner, but he could not sit down. He circled the long dining-room table with a Scotch highball in his hand, calling down terrible oaths on his glamorous employees. I can see him now, a big Havana cigar in one hand, the rapidly disappearing highball in the other, crying out against the sad fates that had sentenced him to the cruel job of running a teeming Hollywood studio.
《“精彩極了”和“糟糕透了”》讀後感 作文推薦:

- ·《魯濱遜漂流記》讀後感350字
- ·《草房子》讀後感400字
- ·《小抄寫員》讀後感500字
- ·讀“精彩極了”和“糟糕透了”700字
- ·《馬小跳》讀後感800字
- ·《青銅葵花》讀後感600字
- ·《海底兩萬里》讀後感100字
- ·《老人與海》讀後感600字
- ·《童年》讀後感600字
- ·《鼴鼠的月亮河》讀後感450字
- ·《世界未來》讀後感700字
- ·《你在為誰讀書》讀後感(3)600字
- ·《昆蟲記》讀後感1000字
- ·《魯賓遜漂流記》讀後感600字
- ·柳樹間的風讀後感1500字
- ·《假如給我三天光明》讀後感800字
- ·《精衛填海》讀後感200字
- ·《把孩子培養成財富》讀後感600字
- ·《仙劍奇俠傳3》讀後感1100字
- ·《家》讀後感(5)1600字
- ·《愛麗絲漫遊奇境》讀後感350字
- ·《萌偵探紀事》讀後感800字
- ·魯賓孫漂流記讀後感350字
- ·《尋找快活林》讀後感700字
- ·《匆匆》讀後感400字
- ·《巧克力味的暑假》讀後感600字
- ·《血色母愛》讀後感400字
- ·《365夜故事》讀後感200字
- ·《海底兩萬里》讀後感900字
- ·《木偶奇遇記》讀後感400字
- ·《 渴望生活梵高傳》——讀後感600字
- ·〈〈地心遊記〉〉讀後感500字
- ·“燒碳工”和“紳士”讀後感500字
- ·“如何成為企業人”讀後感800字
- ·“買”、“賣”讀後感400字
- ·“感謝”讀後感600字
- ·[咪咪心事]讀後感450字
- ·給蚊子的一封信700字
- ·大戰蚊子計1100字
- ·撐蚊子500字
- ·陳老師vs蚊子700字
- ·神的孩子都在跳舞1200字
- ·讀《在風中跳舞》有感500字
- ·讀《我的雀斑會跳舞》有感1800字
- ·《和孩子一起跳舞》讀後感1200字
- ·你家作文 釣魚比賽作文
- ·手術作文 炎熱作文
- ·水上公園作文 清明時節作文
- ·我從來沒有這樣開心作文 桂林遊記作文
- ·沒有童話作文 我的畫作文
- ·五分鐘作文
- ·中隊活動作文
- ·草地上作文
- ·打開一扇窗作文
- ·幸福是什麼作文300字
- ·軍訓感悟作文
- ·東西作文200字 friend作文900字
- ·我終於見到了大海作文300字 風飄作文600字
- ·院子作文700字 瀑布作文700字
- ·誰的眼淚在飛作文 我最感激的人作文
- ·福娃作文700字 溫暖的話作文500字
- ·初見作文300字