分類:初一作文 字數:800字 編輯:pp958
Lilac flower, how beautiful the name of, ah, sentimental, delicate, but it can not withstand wind and rain. Purple, red, and are then a simple and elegant beauty of the plateau, on a clusters of, and surrounded by the small place, but then the laughter of happy, with a trace of melancholy, accompanied by song.
Flower filled in this world, never stops, so it became simple and elegant decoration on the plateau. Petal soft, like feathers, like elegant, next to the flower buds have not set off the beauty of the petals.
When the lilac flowers bloom, the green buds are slowly expanding to open, which light yellow flower head stuck not wait, just like newborn from the mother”s stomach when it was out of curiosity, slowly, until a few pieces that tied the petal The bud was pressed flower petals at the bottom petal unprecedented access to a free, no longer need to enjoy that dark treatment, but they have to ask ourselves: I am happy?
From clove clove bud to flower, they are, as always, depression, as always, dotted with plateau, there is not much change in his life is always so sad, is easily missed by the people who praise, singing with: You say your favorite lilac because you are The name is how much it beautiful flowers and sentimental people, ah … …
May be often on behalf of the people as a sad, really changed a lilac-like, melancholy melancholy petals core, people might feel the hearts of Yi Chan, also began to do some soul: I am happy? Lilac flowers can change people”s emotions, and even personality, if you go deep love it, study it, understand it. Allows you to become a melancholy man, just the melancholy flower, melancholy poetry.
It teaches people to reflect, which teach people to depression: only these things possible? No, we should actively fight for these beautiful things, so that they give you life to add more with a few rainbow colors.
Who do not know her own life when the road can be completed, and only wants the rest of the day, will see the worldly phenomena, realized the last thing in life would be so sad farewells, even if only a small action.
Like Clove like a flower, from birth, they think all their first and last time, have a sentimental mood, everything is so sad farewells, then the caution, lest the life yet to experience the end will be taken away by the relentless death. Lilac - so sad.
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