分類:高一作文 字數:350字 編輯:pp958
讀後續寫 標籤:續寫作文 《龜兔賽跑》續寫作文 《唯一的聽眾》續寫作文 《最後一課》續寫作文
But no more helicopters came and it was dark. Jane jept walking along the stream, feeling more and more tired. The sky was so dark that she could even not see her fingures clearly. It was too dangerous to keep walking. Luckily, after a few minutes, she found a cave which can let her to relax for a while. when she lay down on the ground, she fell asleep immeadiatly.
It was daybreak when Jane woke up. She was very hungry, but no food was prepared for her. She drank some water and continue walking. Suddenly, she heard a helicopter at a distance. She walked quickly towards the area where people were looking for her. After a while, she saw a man not very far from her. She thought maybe she is looking for her, so she flaged her yellow blouse. The man noticed it and ran towards her,closer and closer, he was Tom! They huged each other and was both too excited and tired to say any words. After eating some food, they apologized to each other ang went home happily.

- ·讀後續寫350字
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- ·《龜兔賽跑》後續900字
- ·《龜兔賽跑》後續200字
- ·《龜兔賽跑》後續——狡猾的烏龜900字
- ·鼠標小老鼠後續500字
- ·《最後一課》後續450字
- ·初一下冊《最後一課》後續500字
- ·《觀察日記——小蒜的生長》系列.700字
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- ·狐假虎威後續800字
- ·狐假虎威後續500字
- ·語文課本《去年的樹》自編後續童話500字
- ·虎假狐威後續350字
- ·小攝影師(後續)300字
- ·時代廣場的蟋蟀(後續)1300字
- ·狐狸和烏鴉後續500字
- ·斗羅大陸後續之再世徘徊1600字
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- ·廣播稿250字
- ·moncours.200字
- ·願歸淚150字
- ·氓800字
- ·魚1300字
- ·巷尾的老爺爺900字
- ·臨暗200字
- ·七號公車1300字
- ·拾階100字
- ·校園裡的記憶1200字
- ·夜感·二150字
- ·漏光的樹100字
- ·隨筆350字
- ·雲。無聲500字
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- ·歸途作文 打手作文
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- ·草地上作文
- ·母親的偉大作文
- ·征服作文
- ·難忘第一次作文 在想作文700字
- ·矛盾作文 特殊的朋友作文
- ·嘗試作文500字 木偶奇遇記作文700字
- ·死去作文700字 不再自卑作文
- ·傳奇作文1000字 小學作文100字
- ·雲朵作文600字