i am what i am._500字
分類:二年級作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
I am what I am,There is no second me in the whole world.I'm a boy,My height is about 167 centimeters now,He's 11 years old.I am so tall because I often swim.
My character is shy,Mom and dad often say I am a girl,I don't think so,Because what I like is something with a sense of technology,Not Barbie dolls who like those girls.
I have many hobbies.I prefer to write,Read a book,Draw,But one of the most favorite is swimming.I have a pair of big eyes of Shuiling,There is a pair of gold ingots,High bridge of the nose,Next to it is a fleshy little face,Everyone touches it, and my face swells,This guy is so cute.I also have a long, black in a little yellow hair,The hair is bright!
I'm at school,He was rated as a humorist by his classmates,In learning,I also like thinking very much,I can always answer the first few questions that the teacher makes,So the students in our class call me a straight a student,But I am not proud of these false names.But I also have my shortcomings,My shortcoming is that I am very careless,I could have scored 98 or 100,Because you misread a number,Resulted in only 95 points,Sigh,Now that I think of it, I regret it,So I swore to myself:I must check it carefully next time,I can't do this again!
That's what I am,How about it?I'm all right,Best,Do you want to know my name?My name just needs you to go to my school, and you will know it as soon as you ask,Best,Welcome to our school,Bye bye!
i am what i am. 作文推薦:

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