分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
brumjungledrum 標籤:english作文 rules作文 mybedroom作文 mybrother作文
The shining eyes sparkling brightly on me.
The brightly eye moving swiftly out of the night city.
He was coughing and staring at the dark sky.
She was staring at the rushing fire.
The star was whispering the secret, the wind were singing and the cloud were dancing.
The metal finger was pointing the dark sky.
The sky was like a sea, splashing and playing.
The sky just like a hungry dog trying to eat the sleepy moon.
The people moving around like little ant.
The people were rushing like a hungry dog.
He make a beautiful sound to the great city, oh what a sound.
She look like a women wear a silver dress.
He rushing like a hurry leopard chasing a food in his eyes.
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