a day in 2100_800字
分類:五年級作文 字數:800字 編輯:小景
a day in 2100 標籤:假如我有1000萬作文 2108年作文 100分作文 100年後的地球作文
We humans are clever, that makes our future incredible and amazing.Many scientists said:"There will be cooler inventions and discoveries in 2100." So,is that true? We all don“t know. Fortunately, today I have a chance to go to 2100, and know what is going to happen .
Now, we are in 2100.When I go out for shopping, I willl bring along my stuffs,like: my purse and mobile phone. But, things will change a little bit. My purse isn“t a normal purse,inside,there are 250 CPU. You may wonder: What is the use of them?Actually,they help my purse to transform into the shape I want. Even it“s in future, I don“t want thiefs to steal my purse. I can call:" I want my purse change to a smaller rectangle." And my purse will follow my order. When it“s time for me to pay, I will change it into bigger so that I can get the money easily. That is safer.
After shopping, I feel really tired. I decided to rest and drink a cup of coffee. I ask for a cup of Natte. After my experience, please prepare before your drink coffee in 2100. I am reading newspapers while I hear a sound near me:" Miss, this is your Natte."That sound has no intonation,that really scared me. A robot standing beside me says:"Miss,miss,please get your Natte."It is a waiter,but it is a robot.84 years later,robots will replace human by working as a human.The boss thinks it“s good because he doesn“t have to give out salery to his staffs.But, I really want to say:" The robot“s sound is too boring!"
After a cup of Natte, it“s time to play!The nearest view spot is Space Museum.I hope not many difference inside. I see a advertisment on the entrance,it says:"Just 20 dollars,you can see the space."I believe it is a new invention,but,I dreamed to go up to the space and see all the stars. So, I queue up for about 30 minute to have a ride on a lift that can take me to the space. All the people experienced that say it is wonderful. Finally, it“s my turn."Phew“ Just one second, I am in front of the moon already. It is happening so quickly, I can“t wake up after I stand on the ground.
After a whole day, I go back to 2016, which makes me feel good. Of course, 2100 is very fun and magical. But, I love the feelings between people now. Robots have no feelings. Also, I love the tradition in 2016. In 2100, scientists use technology to replace traditions so they don“t understand the importance of traditions.
a day in 2100 作文推薦:

- ·100%成功=100%意願+10828字
- ·100=10000100字
- ·我想有1000000萬400字
- ·(100210周記)幻影700字
- ·給我的好友0000001a(晨晨600字
- ·此女子拿mīńɡ等待1600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·10月1日—10月14日日記101100字
- ·#10084;心靈美#10084500字
- ·100不等於100600字
- ·100年的夢想,100年的等待1300字
- ·假如我有10000元愛心基金400字
- ·10000年的春節聯歡會500字
- ·我是孔子第10000代400字
- ·買菜10000字300字
- ·2000年後的地球與2000前的700字
- ·500000年以後400字
- ·(20091210周記)磁懸浮列500字
- ·(20100221周記)把握時間200字
- ·(20100212)快樂一天500字
- ·(20100213周記)寒假見聞500字
- ·(20100211周記)蛋炒飯500字
- ·(100321周記)我的理想700字
- ·周記[2006年10月21日]1000字
- ·我來到了2100年300字
- ·我來到了2100年800字
- ·公元2100年的一天600字
- ·(100221周記)炒菜的體驗600字
- ·2100年的房子300字
- ·(100213作文)拜訪表弟600字
- ·辦酒席900字
- ·童年500字
- ·我600字
- ·討厭的謝南芙600字
- ·繞繞復繞繞繞繞實錄1200字
- ·美麗的天目山350字
- ·我的家鄉500字
- ·痛600字
- ·難!難!難!……600字
- ·陽光行動500字
- ·騰飛1000字
- ·寬容500字
- ·洗不掉的“定型”水600字
- ·明知鴨傳不了代600字
- ·天使風500字
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- ·美好願望作文
- ·暖春觀后感
- ·愛的承諾作文
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- ·《傷仲永》作文800字 夜賞月作文
- ·讀《海底兩萬里》作文600字 “雷鋒”作文
- ·買鹽作文 讀心作文500字
- ·眼鏡作文600字 微笑着作文800字
- ·中秋賞月作文350字 小小作文500字
- ·林中作文700字