分類:初一作文 字數:400字 編輯:得得9
As soon as I was conscious, I found myself lying on the concrete ground. I was in a prison-like room, with grey bricked walls. Before I realized where I was, a dire fear rushed to my mind. A feeling of queasiness came up my throat, for that I saw no door. My trembling legs could barely support my body, I dashed against the wall, but I was refused heartlessly. I made one more try. I hammered on every brick but all of them were tightly stuck to each other. There were no chances to break them. My god, I’m trapped! I can’t give up, it’s not a matter of a pack of chips or something, it’s a matter of my survivorship! I can’t just leave my life in the hand of destiny! I tried to persuade myself. I gave a cry of fear and let myself calm down. But I had got to make it out! In such a situation, I could hardly control my nerves. I started screaming for help. I screamed with hoarse voice. I pounded hard on the walls like wild. But all I heard was my echo and my own heart beat. I fell back helplessly, I’m trapped all by myself. And the only other living things were rats. Silence fell in this fearful hell. Desperation, depression and dismay took turn in bullying my poor nerves. How could life humiliate me so? I lied back down breathlessly.
horror恐怖片斷 作文推薦:

- ·horror恐怖片斷400字
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- ·第一次看恐怖片100字
- ·看恐怖片后……800字
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- ·第一次看恐怖片800字
- ·看恐怖片300字
- ·thehorrormassacr300字
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