分類:初一作文 字數:300字 編輯:得得9
The most beautiful forever is the mother I read "2014" awards ceremony moved Chinese program, their love, responsibility and dedication spirit moved me deeply, strongly shook my soul. In the ten major characters in the story, Yao Houzhi left a deep impression on me. The mother as humble as moss, solemn like the dawn, soft as Jiangnan acoustic, as hard as the Millennium cold jade, look, she Haohao, moon, head bowed, she is the vast earth. Who knows what a grassroots mother flower before the Yi Jian, who knows a mother into the moon in front of the eternal. And the coming years at the end of the mother is Yao Houzhi. She was suffering from breast cancer, with three years of time to weave their own children love. In time to see her, when the blending of our eyes, my soul from the body, abandoned the identity, discarding the interests, abandon everything, the world became very quiet. The clock is no longer "tick" sound, the river no longer runs, no longer the falling leaves. I only see a mother, covered with thorns draw her life blood, but she suddenly, tired smile. So simple.

- ·最美的愛給最美的你500字
- ·最美的母親300字
- ·最美的母親1000字
- ·我的母親的母親1100字
- ·無言的母愛,是世間最美的聲音500字
- ·最美的母愛700字
- ·母親,最美的容顏900字
- ·母親,你是我心中最美的人1400字
- ·最美的永遠是母親800字
- ·不知什麼時候,發現最美是我的母親700字
- ·平凡的母親,不平凡的母愛800字
- ·我的母親 (母親節)1000字
- ·母親節的母親500字
- ·別了,母親,我最愛的母親500字
- ·我的母親母親500字
- ·母親的手+母親的嘮叨=母親的愛200字
- ·母親!母親!母親!1200字
- ·他們有一顆最美的心1100字
- ·花兒永遠開在最美的心靈里800字
- ·她有一顆最美的心——讀《三個球印600字
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- ·尋找最美的心靈200字
- ·最美的心1000字
- ·最美的心500字
- ·最美的心900字
- ·最美的心靈450字
- ·最美的心靈600字
- ·最美的心靈600字
- ·最美的心靈----致鍶雯800字
- ·紀錄最美的你500字
- ·最美的夢800字
- ·最美的記憶1200字
- ·最美的環境100字
- ·最美的畫卷900字
- ·最美的歌1600字
- ·最美的風景500字
- ·最美的的人600字
- ·最美的便是目標350字
- ·最美的愛給最美的你500字
- ·最美900字
- ·最美450字
- ·最美450字
- ·最美600字
- ·最美1200字
- ·最美1000字
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- ·安全作文 改邪歸正作文
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