分類:初一作文 字數:1200字 編輯:pp958
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Bronte / 夏洛蒂 伯朗特
Part Three — A governess at Thornfield
The wedding day
We had no friends or family to accompany us to the church. I had not told my Reed cousins about our wedding, but I had written to my uncle, John Eyre, in Madeira. Mr Rochester was in such a hurry that he only allowed me a short time to put on my wedding dress and veil.
‘Jane, you look lovely, ’ he said. ‘But you can only have ten minutes for breakfast! ’ We almost ran up the road to the church, his strong hand holding mine. His dark face looked stern, and he did not speak. I did not notice the weather or my surroundings at all, I only wanted to know why he looked so fierce. Suddenly he noticed how pale I was, and stopped for a moment to let me get my breath back. Then we walked more slowly into the church.
The priest and the clerk were waiting for us. There was nobody else except two strangers who were standing at the back of the church. The ceremony began, and soon I heard the priest come to the point in the wedding where he had to ask, ‘Is there any reason why these two people should not be married? ’
The priest paused for a second, as was the custom, but before he could continue, a voice from the back of the church said clearly,
‘There is a reason. ’
The priest looked up from his book, and stood silent. Mr Rochester said in his deep voice, without turning his head, ‘Continue with the ceremony. ’
Silence fell again. Then the priest shook his head. ‘I must investigate this first, ’ he said. One of the strangers from the back of the church came forward and said, calmly and quietly,
‘This wedding cannot continue, because Mr Rochester is already married. ’
I felt as if I had been hit. Mr Rochester’s whole face was like colourless marble. Without speaking or smiling, he was holding me tightly round the waist, as if he would never let go.
‘Who are you? ’ he growled at the stranger. ‘And tell me what you know of this supposed wife of mine. ’
17. 婚禮
- ·簡愛讀後感900字
- ·與《簡愛》的約會1400字
- ·《簡愛》讀後感900字
- ·《簡愛》讀後感.兩篇3000字
- ·讀了《簡愛》前十章之後1600字
- ·讀《簡愛》節選250字
- ·讀《簡愛》有感800字
- ·簡愛讀後感700字
- ·《簡愛》讀後感21000字
- ·簡愛讀後感1200字
- ·簡愛的觀后感700字
- ·《簡愛》的讀後感300字
- ·簡愛讀後感700字
- ·《簡愛》讀後感900字
- ·學會頑強——讀《簡愛》有感700字
- ·讀《簡愛》有感800字
- ·讀《簡愛》有感1500字
- ·簡愛讀後感900字
- ·讀懂了《簡愛》1400字
- ·簡愛讀後感400字
- ·讀《簡愛》有感700字
- ·讀《簡愛》后感200字
- ·簡愛讀後感1400字
- ·簡愛1000字
- ·簡愛作文200字
- ·為簡愛而感動800字
- ·簡愛250字
- ·讀簡愛有感500字
- ·做一個堅強的人(讀《簡愛》有感)1000字
- ·簡愛讀後感1300字
- ·堅貞的愛1000字
- ·堅強的愛600字
- ·家之愛奏鳴曲400字
- ·家庭“五味”愛700字
- ·加勒比海的愛情700字
- ·寂寞是愛撒的謊3000字
- ·寂寞的愛200字
- ·季節--母親用愛裝訂600字
- ·極速愛情(9)700字
- ·極速愛情(8)700字
- ·極速愛情(7)900字
- ·極速愛情(6)600字
- ·極速愛情(5)800字
- ·極速愛情(4)900字
- ·極速愛情(10)500字
- ·難忘的名言作文 平凡的小草作文
- ·暴躁作文 小書包作文
- ·快樂的大課間作文 紅紅火火作文
- ·雨夜思作文 慢慢成長作文
- ·可愛的小白貓作文 螞蟻工坊作文
- ·心態作文
- ·我的經歷作文
- ·我愛桂花作文
- ·常懷感恩之心作文
- ·牽着我的手作文
- ·遺憾作文300字
- ·我的老師作文150字 有目作文
- ·四季的雨作文 小明作文
- ·獨立作文800字 風吹過作文200字
- ·校園的花壇作文500字 一個快樂的人作文500字
- ·復蘇作文 校長作文350字
- ·給你作文450字