分類:初一作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
joeandellieamazingadven 標籤:traveling作文 hello作文 angel的愛情作文 believe作文
Joe and Ellie amazing adventure.(1)
Chapter 1
Here comes the prince and the princess.
Long ago
In the mystery universal. There is a peace,wonderful,wealthy planet called Wizard world. People in the wizard world all knows magic. But one wizard they fear the most is Kenn.
In the palace, The King John is enjoying the tea. But was disturb by the angel jamie.
" Oh, my king, you got to come and see.” angel Jamie shout while running.
"See what?” Asked John.
" The new prince and princess.” Answered Jamie.
The King followed Jamie to room where the beautiful Queen. And the prince and princess lying on the side. He hold them high in the air. "What shall we call them?”Asked the Queen.
"Joe and Ellie.” Answered by the King strongly.
Every wizard in the planet was happy about the prince and the princess. On the other side Kenn was not pleased to hear about it. He was angry and shocked by so many people loved the new prince and the princess.He wanted to enter the wizard world and kill the new born prince and the princess.
( 請看下一集, The unknown cat)
joeandellieamazingadven 作文推薦:

- ·joeandellieamazi200字
- ·joeandellieamazi400字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·poeticallymandwe100字
- ·hello goodbye an900字
- ·advantages and d150字
- ·theadvantagesand400字
- ·yellowoverall(pa336字
- ·advice about tra100字
- ·selbstvorstellun100字
- ·hellangel(墮落到地獄的500字
- ·.thē.ēnd.500字
- ·.thē.ēnd500字
- ·angelloveme(轉)600字
- ·是loveless還是belov1600字
- ·how to get along150字
- ·sellingandboy(1)100字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·abelongtothelove100字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf1500字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf900字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf600字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf900字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf1100字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf700字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf700字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf700字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf1600字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf1700字
- ·原創小說:angelandelf1900字
- ·甘心被雨淋900字
- ·冬夢700字
- ·老師900字
- ·王帝的新裝2600字
- ·荷花200字
- ·我的家鄉500字
- ·一個人400字
- ·星星的那一頭600字
- ·在渴望中成長的翅膀600字
- ·人生不需要太多行禮600字
- ·雨600字
- ·我把秋天裝起來700字
- ·我800字
- ·向日葵600字
- ·我的“煩惱”700字
- ·小學畢業典禮作文 媽媽的眼睛作文
- ·曾經的他作文 阿黑作文
- ·筆名作文 母親說作文
- ·給母校的一封信作文 抹不去作文
- ·軍訓心得作文 偉大的祖國作文
- ·14歲的天空作文
- ·我家的變化作文
- ·假如我是神筆馬良作文400字
- ·拐彎處的回頭作文
- ·勝似親人作文300字
- ·映山紅作文
- ·看《假文盲》有感 海倫凱勒作文700字
- ·第二次龜兔賽跑作文600字 我快樂作文
- ·蓬萊閣作文 學騎自行車作文900字
- ·好吃的水果作文 中秋賞月作文600字
- ·為你驕傲作文600字 香蜜湖作文
- ·看奧運作文700字