分類:高一作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
節約用水 標籤:節約用水作文 節約用水從我做起作文 節約用電作文 用水倡議書作文
Some people often like to waste our precious fresh water resource. For example: wash your hands, wash your face, tap special, special. Until the wash only to find, there is a lot of water was very clear, no pollution, but have been wasted. There are many children like boiling water, tap water, the precious water resources with each other to pour to pour. What's more (including adults), turning on the tap is very big, but they are not to use, let the water "rushing" flowing, as if to enjoy a beautiful "cuff Jane falls in quietly". In today's world, fresh water only accounts for three percent of the total amount of water, of which 2/3 or ice, now the world's water resources are poor! "If only last a drop of water on the earth, so is our tears." Every heard of this sentence, my heart can not help nervous, afraid of really have such a day. Now, Chinese was developed: factories, many-storied buildings can be seen everywhere. The population is increasing, the water resources is not used up, could save enough, people are willful waste it, coupled with the pollution, China so into one of the world's twelve water poor countries! Green ablation, and instead is that greedy, Yong Bu satisfied with the desert. Can arch-criminal, is our own! Can't imagine, just like it, what the earth will turn! The Sahara desert is originally a very beautiful place. Because Africa area of dry and hot, make it to seventy years time has been swallowed up the six hundred and fifty-one square kilometers of land in the thirty's.. At present, the drought has affected large areas of Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, Chad, Sultan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Africa.

- ·節約用水,讓我們行動起來1300字
- ·節約用水500字
- ·節約用水人人有責400字
- ·節約用水350字
- ·節約用水,守護家園450字
- ·節約用水,從我做起1000字
- ·節約用水從我做起800字
- ·節約用水,人人有責1100字
- ·節約用水200字
- ·(090430周記)節約用水600字
- ·節約用水400字
- ·關於節約用水的建議800字
- ·節約用水我能行800字
- ·節約用水的感想800字
- ·節約用水300字
- ·請大家節約用水800字
- ·節約用水400字
- ·節約用水800字
- ·節約用水1000字
- ·節約用水,人人有責400字
- ·關於節約用水的調查報告1600字
- ·節約用水800字
- ·節約用水,從我做起500字
- ·節約用水500字
- ·節約用水400字
- ·節約用水1600字
- ·節約用水400字
- ·節約用水從我做起1000字
- ·節約用水450字
- ·節約用水,從我做起300字
- ·姐姐500字
- ·丑500字
- ·世界450字
- ·高中迎新演講稿350字
- ·空予歌1200字
- ·買手機600字
- ·我去600字
- ·愛,永存心間1100字
- ·年終心得900字
- ·驕傲500字
- ·逝時光500字
- ·底色700字
- ·數着星星過日子450字
- ·開導自己350字
- ·記曾經的一次停電300字
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- ·未名作文 點鼻子作文
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- ·小狗“乖乖”作文
- ·不理解作文
- ·讀《昆蟲記》有感作文
- ·和媽媽換角色作文
- ·咸亨酒店作文
- ·擁抱春天作文
- ·自編作文 我的老媽作文300字
- ·帶着夢想出發作文700字 人的日子作文
- ·夜之曲作文 雨季不再來作文
- ·對你說作文350字 飛機作文450字
- ·情深作文900字 雪世界作文
- ·鈴聲作文800字