分類:六年級作文 字數:1000字 編輯:pp958
If I may have a pair of wing, I hoped that is a music; If I may roamthrough in some sea, I hoped is the book sea; If I may choose the sidethe person, I hoped they all like the movement, specially badminton.Because listens to the music, to study, the movement all is my hobby.
The music may melt me like the angel not to be quick; It encouragesme like the saint to meet difficultly is not discouraged; It likes theflower forever to bloom in my heart the brilliance. Is listening tothe wonderful music movement on the other hand, I on the one handlisten also to meet humph. Therefore to me said an academic societyinteresting to listen to ballad is one kind of be proud of.
I am a student, therefore I like studying. I may through the book knowsome matters, may attain, promotes my result which I needs, may studythe other people to let own literary talent be better. Moreover oncesome person of storytellings were the gold rooms, how can I miss? Now everyday evening lay down on the bed reads as if has also become mycustom.
The movement may exercise the body, the enhancement physique,therefore
I like the movement. But I most like the movement plays thebadminton. Although each all hits streaming with sweat, but very isactually comfortable. Is unhappy, splits out body perspiration alwaysto think the mood good very have been also many.
I am not versatile, but I have contacted very many things, but I caninclude regarding the interesting certain things it in my hobby,therefore I have very many hobbies. What is your hobby? Is same withme?
如果我可以擁有一雙翅膀,我希望那是音樂;如果我可以遨遊在某片海洋,我希望是書的海洋;如果我可以選擇身邊的人,我希望他們都喜歡運動,特別是羽毛球。因為聽音樂、讀書、運動都是我的愛好 。

- ·文字是一輩子的愛好600字
- ·我發現了小貓的愛好800字
- ·我的興趣愛好200字
- ·不被人喜歡的愛好350字
- ·我的愛好400字
- ·我的愛好350字
- ·愛好書,愛看書400字
- ·我的愛好100字
- ·籃球愛好300字
- ·我的課餘愛好500字
- ·我的興趣愛好:乒乓700字
- ·我的愛好400字
- ·我的愛好600字
- ·培養愛好500字
- ·我的業餘愛好300字
- ·我的課餘愛好200字
- ·愛好寫字的我400字
- ·我的愛好300字
- ·我的課餘愛好450字
- ·我的愛好700字
- ·我的愛好200字
- ·我的愛好---讀書700字
- ·我的愛好——讀書400字
- ·我的愛好300字
- ·真的好愛好愛你1200字
- ·興趣愛好700字
- ·我的愛好600字
- ·愛好500字
- ·我的愛好500字
- ·我的業餘愛好300字
- ·愛好500字
- ·快艇400字
- ·外婆的售票盒1000字
- ·動植物的報復行為700字
- ·大自然的報復900字
- ·大自然的報復600字
- ·報復計劃500字
- ·【課堂作文】報復1000字
- ·奇異摩天輪1500字
- ·奇異感應衣400字
- ·奇異的牆500字
- ·奇異的夢1100字
- ·奇異的旅行800字
- ·奇異的家園500字
- ·奇異的花700字
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- ·說心裡話作文 二十年後的同學會作文
- ·新學期新氣象作文 永生作文
- ·我是一個作文
- ·校園春景作文
- ·快樂的嘗試作文
- ·春雪作文600字
- ·我的檯燈作文
- ·倒霉日作文
- ·整理房間作文400字 期盼作文1000字
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- ·北京2008作文 動力作文800字
- ·冰心作文800字 奇事作文
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- ·師生作文800字