mimi and baobao_150字
分類:六年級作文 字數:150字 編輯:小景
mimi and baobao 標籤:robot作文 hobbies作文 iwanttobe作文 myhobbies作文
Looked at the two pictures, the two cats who are inside? Oh, they are li“s cat. They look really cute!
The white that is Mimi, it is three years old, she is very quiet, she often sleep on the sofa. Blond cat is Baobao only five month old, he is the son of Mimi. He is only five months old, he is very friendly. Li often play with them.
mimi and baobao 作文推薦:
mimi and baobao 暫無評論相關作文
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- ·假文盲1400字
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