分類:五年級作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
august 標籤:busy作文 abusyweek作文 abusyday作文 inmyhouse作文
August, the most complacent month. Laziness, humidity, and utter lack of thought are its chief characteristics. Sluggish and indolent we drag our bodies through its sweaty middle like primeval crawlers.
I saw a guy, prostrate from heat, staring at an empty parking lot downtown. .°There are more leaves on the trees this year,。±he said. I looked at the expanse of steaming cement before us and agreed. That was an August encounter and that man an August character. An ambassador of Humidity. The reason why so many people die in August is that nobody is really awake. All death has to do is pluck the unalert from the planet like overripe peaches.
If you are poor and hot like me, one way to escape August is to visit showrooms. Not only are they air-conditioned, they are educational. I went to an IBM computer showplace and a dear lady paraded me before the friendly pastels of a thousand keyboards. It was like ice cream.
Looking over the Augusts of my life, I find all sorts of delirious phenomena. Once I was mugged in a hallway. I was too irritated by the heat to pay. I screamed at the guy and he only took half the money. A few years ago, my wife produces a wonderful calendar full of useful and wonderful facts, as well as the birthdays of all our friends. I tried to talk her into leaving August out. When she wouldn”t listen moved to August. She caught me. I pleaded humidity. I don”t think she”s forgiven me yet.
collected by
august 作文推薦:

- ·thursday,august1100字
- ·讀augustine《懺悔錄》的2600字
- ·周末遊記(thursday,au100字
- ·august500字
- ·dairyforaugust9t600字
- ·songzuguo100字
- ·zuguo700字
- ·canyouguess150字
- ·dongguoguo600字
- ·last term's stru350字
- ·justwhenineededy1800字
- ·高二英語作文:life is a350字
- ·theforestbeltfug900字
- ·suggestions200字
- ·suggestions250字
- ·thoughts of the 400字
- ·my suggestion150字
- ·thoughts of the 400字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·amouseinmyhouse100字
- ·lotus,illusioned1500字
- ·mouselovestheric800字
- ·mybusylastweeken100字
- ·i”mjustwaitforyo300字
- ·justfoumyself!900字
- ·forestmusic300字
- ·atriptoaustralia200字
- ·我的小屋myhousingest100字
- ·becausewearefrie900字
- ·四年級英語作文:glorious200字
- ·快樂的國慶500字
- ·我的動物學家夢300字
- ·往事678字
- ·在精不在多600字
- ·“進了”300字
- ·快樂150字
- ·我的夢800字
- ·生命的觸發——讀《生命生700字
- ·荷花450字
- ·筆600字
- ·難忘的事700字
- ·雨400字
- ·故鄉的小溪500字
- ·我的爸爸500字
- ·感激300字
- ·香雪作文 怦然心動作文
- ·金色的童年作文 喜歡你作文
- ·最有意義的一天作文 不是故意作文
- ·神秘的禮物作文 留白作文
- ·我親愛的姥姥作文 秋水廣場作文
- ·那聲音作文
- ·櫻桃作文
- ·梨花作文600字
- ·美麗的春天作文200字
- ·再也沒有作文
- ·奮鬥的起點作文
- ·婚禮作文200字 科學作文800字
- ·誇誇我作文400字 呼喚和平作文
- ·百態作文200字 我的小弟作文300字
- ·寫作作文200字 繽紛夏日作文
- ·一次游泳作文700字 婦女作文350字
- ·一種美作文1000字