分類:初二作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
July 18st sunny
This is a sunny day.I was very happy today. Why? Listen to me.
This morning.My monitor called me and said:"hello! this is Tu**,May I speak to Hu**?"
I“m so happy and answered:"This is Hu**.What“s up?"
And she said:"hello!Hu**!My mother say that she would like to go to visit you and your parents if you have time."
Do you understand my excited?Oh! You must don“t!
After we told together.About half hours. The two motorcycle were go to my house.
I welcome them.And we discussed many things.
Finally, we were very happy!
diary 作文推薦:
diary 暫無評論相關作文
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- ·my big story in 500字
- ·share the librar200字
- ·童年的記憶-amemoryofm700字
- ·harry100字
- ·my secret worry600字
- ·凌夢,sorry800字
- ·bury?…悲。750字
- ·very happy sunda100字
- ·sorry,螢火蟲1000字
- ·sorry,原諒我的任性200字
- ·go to mary”s hom150字
- ·diary3100字
- ·harry’s week300字
- ·outsidestaryoung700字
- ·don”tcry之勇氣1100字
- ·commentary:popol1300字
- ·sorry100字
- ·lovesorry【愛抱歉】700字
- ·ifeelverygood1000字
- ·the history and 450字
- ·diary300字
- ·henry”s healthy 100字
- ·didtheearthmovef600字
- ·inmemoryofcampus200字
- ·寒假英語日記範文-january100字
- ·diarya100字
- ·veryhappy100字
- ·diary250字
- ·初二英語作文:mychemist200字
- ·夢的色彩900字
- ·平凡也快樂700字
- ·對自己好點600字
- ·“項圈”700字
- ·門700字
- ·恨?`200字
- ·無題500字
- ·張望100字
- ·讀你1100字
- ·苦與樂800字
- ·???的?垡恢焙馨察o994字
- ·走不盡的路800字
- ·卡東尼and卡西尼旅行記900字
- ·少年犯現身說法500字
- ·詩憶祖國500字
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- ·小黃狗作文 採蓮蓬作文
- ·爭功勞作文 身邊的美麗作文
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- ·同一片藍天下作文
- ·愛我的外婆作文
- ·因愛而美麗作文
- ·逆流作文
- ·感受秋天作文
- ·歡樂的國慶節作文
- ·秋季運動會作文300字 回憶往事作文600字
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- ·可愛的秋作文300字