分類:高一作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
悼念 標籤:悼念作文
He is the king of the pop music,
He is a black,
I regard him as a god in my heart!
He has set up 39 charities in the world with his whole life,
which are used for helping the poor children to go to school in Africa,
And he has set up a world record that he was the man who had set up
charities most with power of oneself!
His songs always give us energy,like the one "We are the world,
We are the children,We are the ones to make a brighter day,so
let”s start giving.There”s a chance we are taking ,we are taking
on our life.It”s true that we can make a brighter day!””
But he was killed in 25,june ,2009!
When i heart his death,i was very sad!
I thought there were so many fans as sad as me !
You Are Not Alone!
OK!let”s sing and study his songs to show our sadness for his death!
Please must be in favor of him!
- ·音樂悼念詞1500字
- ·生命,雕刻師魂悼念5.12大地震700字
- ·悼念未來500字
- ·悼念你曾經的幼稚900字
- ·(2008年7月.最後一次悼念.700字
- ·清明節悼念烈士發言稿900字
- ·悼念已逝去的一切200字
- ·讀《悼念瑪麗居里》有感200字
- ·悼念母親1600字
- ·悼念四川大地震受災人民500字
- ·流星,滑過(上)——沉重悼念外爺900字
- ·悼念,那似水的年華1900字
- ·悼念先烈英雄1200字
- ·悼念李大釗100字
- ·沉痛悼念4.14青海玉樹大地震中300字
- ·悼念屈原400字
- ·悼念我的外公和奶奶1100字
- ·悼念——“黑哥”1100字
- ·「我想要怒放的生命」——悼念我那100字
- ·“悼念英烈”祭英烈活動1700字
- ·悼念那一個個純真的日子800字
- ·悼念虐待致死的女孩——許僑青(21200字
- ·悼念魯迅1300字
- ·南京集會悼念30萬遇難同胞1600字
- ·悼念魯迅1000字
- ·悼念仁那400字
- ·悼念清明烈士500字
- ·【候翔原創】悼念災區同袍400字
- ·悼念六年級400字
- ·清明節,悼念英雄1600字
- ·十六歲沒有主題500字
- ·十六歲的約定200字
- ·十六歲的天空,灰濛濛800字
- ·十六歲的天空800字
- ·十六歲的天空500字
- ·十六歲的那顆流星700字
- ·十六歲,我們都將老去900字
- ·你的十六歲1700字
- ·明天,我十六歲1600字
- ·雪地200字
- ·有時,我也想銘記一回600字
- ·有時,我也想當壞孩子600字
- ·讓夢起飛200字
- ·讓愛起飛700字
- ·勇士的歌400字
- ·事故作文 歲寒三友作文
- ·雨中即景作文 懂得愛作文
- ·分享生命作文 最美麗的心靈作文
- ·請原諒我作文 刺蝟背西瓜作文
- ·領獎作文 可愛的表妹作文
- ·少年朋友作文
- ·三國演義讀後感
- ·我的煩惱作文500字
- ·水滸傳讀後感
- ·月球探險作文
- ·百萬葵園作文
- ·未來的家鄉作文 你看作文300字
- ·大隊委競選作文400字 魯濱孫漂流記作文300字
- ·新學期新氣象作文 悲慘命運作文
- ·有心人作文900字 大家一起作文600字
- ·激動作文700字 牛魔王作文
- ·不放棄作文900字