分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
My friend
I have a good friend .she is Yang xiao chun .she is 13 years old.she is 148cm tall and 35kg .she is taller and heavier .
She has lots of habbies; she likes playing the paino、swimming and go to shoping mall.They”re very interesting .she doesn”t like singing footballing and basketballing .They”re very bring .
She likes spicy food .but she doesn”t like ”Thai Flower”.she likes English very much .so she is English very good.
This is My good friend!
我的朋友 暫無評論相關作文
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- ·我的朋友800字
- ·我的朋友200字
- ·我的朋友600字
- ·我的朋友300字
- ·我的朋友300字
- ·我的朋友300字
- ·我的朋友300字
- ·我的朋友300字
- ·我的朋友300字
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