分類:六年級作文 字數:700字 編輯:得得9
書伴我成長 標籤:好書伴我成長作文 書伴我成長作文 讀書伴我成長作文 讀書伴我快樂成長作文
凝視着滿櫃的書,我不由得再次回憶起我於書前行的故事…… 時光倒流,思緒回飄。那是五年級暑假的一天下午,我走到窗外,天邊出現了一道晚霞,晚霞伴隨着我走進了書中:看了海明威爺爺的《老人與海》,我知道了做人要有一種無所畏懼的拼搏精神;羅貫中前輩的《三國演義》中的第四十六回——諸葛亮草船借箭,體現了諸葛亮那種機智、勇敢地精神……
Goethe once said: "Reading a book is doing many noble people talk." Gorky said: "I rushed in the books, like the hungry flutter in the bread as" I love reading, I would like to accompany my book love grow. Gazing at a book full of cabinets, I could not help but once again I recalled the story in the book before the trip … … Turn back the clock, his thoughts drift back. It was the fifth grade summer afternoon, I went out the window, the horizon appeared a sunset, sunset with me into the book: Grandpa read Hemingway”s "Old Man", I know a man should have a nothing the fighting spirit of fear; Luo Guanzhong predecessors "Three Kingdoms" in the 46th back - Another Chinese Story, reflects the kind of wise witty, brave spirit … … In the reading process, I realized that the book is full of knowledge and wisdom, when we read a book, we can always learn a lot of knowledge, an increase of a number of insights. Different books tell us a different reason, they are about different countries, different story, so we have different feelings.

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- ·書伴我成長700字
- ·讀書伴我成長700字
- ·好書伴我成長900字
- ·書伴我成長600字
- ·書伴我成長700字
- ·讀書伴我成長450字
- ·好書伴我成長200字
- ·好書伴我成長600字
- ·書伴我成長500字
- ·好書伴我成長500字
- ·好書伴我成長600字
- ·書伴我成長1000字
- ·好書伴我成長1000字
- ·書伴我成長800字
- ·讀書伴我成長700字
- ·好書伴我成長400字
- ·好書伴我成長700字
- ·書伴我成長700字
- ·好書伴我成長1000字
- ·書伴我成長700字
- ·讀書伴我成長700字
- ·書伴我成長700字
- ·好書伴我成長600字
- ·好書伴我成長500字
- ·讀書伴我成長600字
- ·好書伴我成長700字
- ·好書伴我成長300字
- ·書伴我成長700字
- ·書伴我成長500字
- ·書伴我成長600字
- ·書伴我成長600字
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- ·書伴我成長500字
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- ·書伴我成長1000字
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- ·好書伴我成長900字
- ·好書伴我成長900字
- ·好書伴我成長800字
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