分類:六年級作文 字數:500字 編輯:pp958
春曉 標籤:春曉作文
””How suddenly the morning comes in Spring ! / On every side you hear the sweet birds sing. / Last night amidst the rainy storm ? Ah, who can tell, / With wind and rain, how many blossoms fell?””
In an early morning, the poet awoke light-heartedly and noticed the sudden arrival of spring. Singing of birds from far and near could be heard in all directions. Without looking through the window, the poet was certain that it would be another nice day outside. Suddenly he recalled vaguely there might be a strong wind or heavy rain last night . He was wondering how many flowers and blossoms had fallen with the wind and rain.
Here the poet described early Spring from two different angles. First, he was cheered up by the singing of sweet birds and the early arrival of Spring. Second, he was rather concerned and worried about the fallen blossoms as a result of last night’s rainy storm. The message contained in the short verse is that like nature, life is not perfect. Aman may have a joy and he may also have a sorrow. After all ,Spring is Spring. Although many blossoms fell during the night rain and storm, the next morning would be much nicer than ever before with singing of birds and blooming of more flowers. After careful reading of this poem, we may know something more about life.

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- ·回望作文1000字 我愛你,中國作文500字
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- ·最寶貴的作文800字