分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
earthquake 標籤:birthday作文 聖誕party作文 生日party作文 ilike作文
When a earthquake happens in your surroundings.I will give you some advices about help youself from an earthquake.I hope that can help you.
Fitstly,when a earthquake happens suddenly,don“t nervous and panic but calm down.You can hide yourselves under the desk.
Secondly.Don“t wastle engry that can very much.You.can tell your claasmates don“t tear in ruin.When you surrounded by ruin.Encourage yourself and your classmates don“t sleep and stick to calm down.
Thirdly,you can attack some things in order to make voice that can let lifesavers sound.You also cam make a single from your voice and so on.
There is my advice.I hope you can like my advice.
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